The Criminalization of Poaching in Hungary
The Criminalization of Poaching in Hungary
After 2000, Hungary experienced some extraordinarily unfavorable changes with respect to poaching – in the poachers’ style, characteristics, methods and equipment. For a long time the legislation did not recognized the danger of illegal hunting.
Criminological studies led to the codification of poaching law in the Criminal Code in 2012. Previously, it had only been possible to adjudicate and sanction activities related to illegal hunting through different legal frameworks, such as theft or illegal use of weapons. We must also bear in mind that the threat posed by climate change has heightened the importance of laws protecting nature and the environment; consequently, public opinion toward wildlife management and poaching must change.
José L. Tella, Fernando Hiraldo, “Illegal and Legal Parrot Trade Shows a Long-Term, Cross-Cultural Preference for the Most Attractive Species Increasing Their Risk of Extinction,” PLOS ONE, September 2014, Volume 9, Issue 9, e107546, 1-10.
C. Venter (2003), “Organized Crime: A perspective from South Africa,” in J. Albanese, D. Das, & A. Verma (eds.), Organised crime: World Perspectives, pp. 379-391, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
Greg L. Warchol, Linda L. Zupan, Willie Clack, “Transnational Criminality: An analysis of the illegal wildlife market in Southern Africa,” International Criminal Justice Review, Volume 13, 2003, 1-27
Ruth S. Musgrave, Sara Parker, Miriam Wolok, “The Status Of Poaching In The United States – Are We Protecting Our Wildlife?” Natural Resources Journal, Vol. 33, 977 (1993), 977-1014 (p. 1005)
LV Hungarian Act on the Protection of Wildlife, Wildlife Management, and Hunting (Vtv.) 40.§
Sándor Békés, Vadászetika (Hunting Ethics), Mezőgazda Kiadó, Budapest, 2001, 119
Samrat Mondol, Celia R. Mailand, Samuel K. Wasser, “Male biased sex ratio of poached elephants is negatively related to poaching intensity over time,” Conserv Genet, (2014) 15, 1259-1263
LIII Law on Protecting Natural Resources
Tibor Dobos, A természet, védelme és vadászat (Nature, Its Protection and Hunting), Market-Trade, Sopron, 2001, 93-106
István Heltay (ed.), Vadásziskola (Hunting Guide), second revised edition, Hubertus Vadkereskedelmi Kft./István Heltay, Budapest, 2000, 49
Ranee Khooshie Lal Panjabi, “For Trinkets, Tonics, and Terrorism: International wildlife poaching in the twenty-first century,” Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law, Volume 43, number 1, 2014, 1-92
Ramsar Convention on internationally significant wetlands, (1971), the Washington Convention on international trade in endangered species (1973), the Bonn Convention on the protection of migratory species (1979), the Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (1979), and the Rio Convention on protecting biodiversity among animal species (1992).
Thirty-Ninth Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Resolution 882/1987 on the Importance of shooting for Europe's rural regions.
XXVIII Law on Animal Protection and Decency (Ávt.) 24/B. § (1) paragraph
Balázs Elek, Vadászok, halászok a büntetőjog hálójában (Hunters and Fishermen in the Net of the Law), hvgorac kiadó, 2015, 76-92
Elizabeth Lunstrum, “Green Militarization: Anti-Poaching Efforts and the Spatial Contours of Kruger National Park,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Volume 104, Issue 4, July 2014, 816-832, published online on 25 Jun 2014
Michael Watson, “Organised Crime and the Environment: the British Experience,” European Environmental Law Review, August/September 2005, 207-213
Pál Gera, “Poaching Otters: Why and how are otters being exterminated?” published by the Foundation for Otters, Budapest, 2006, 1-16
Péter Polt (ed.), “Új Btk. kommentár 5. kötet, különös rész” (“Commentary on the New Criminal Code, Booklet 5, Special Section”) Nemzeti Közszolgálati és Tankönyvkiadó, Budapest, 2013. Chapter 23; Péter Polt, “A környezet és a természet elleni bűncselekmények” (“Crimes Against the Environment and Nature”), 9, (Article P of Hungary’s Fundamental Law)
László Kőhalmy, A környezet védelme a magyar büntetőjogban (Environmental Protection in Hungarian Criminal Law), PhD dissertation, University of Pécs Doctoral School of the Faculty of Law, Pécs, 2010, 106
Supplement to Law I, Crimes Against the Environment and Nature, 2012 C. Law, Chapter XXIII, with preamble by the minister, 1 (accessed on 24 August 2014)
Gergely Bárándy, “Állatkínzás jelene és jövője” (“The Present and Future of Animal Torture”), Debreceni Jogi Műhely, 2/2010 (1 April 2010) year VII, number 2, 1-7
Hungarian Criminal Code (Btk.) 245. §
Péter Polt (ed.), “Új Btk. kommentár. 5. kötet, Különös rész” (“Commentary on the New Criminal Code, Booklet 5, Special Section”), 41
Council regulation 3254/1991/EGK
István László Gál, Bejelentés vagy feljelentés. A pénzmosás és a terrorizmus finanszírozása elleni küzdelemmel kapcsolatos feladatok és kötelezettségek az új Büntető Törvénykönyv alapján (Notification or Denunciation: Tasks and obligations in the struggle against money laundering and terrorism finance under the new Criminal Code), Penta Unió Education Center, 2013, 5
The Washington Convention on international trade in endangered species (1973)
The Bonn Convention on the protection of migratory species (1979)
The Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (1979)
The Rio Convention on protecting biodiversity among animal species (1992)