- Lemaradva? A fenntarható finanszírozás magyar szabályozása néhány aspektusból



In this paper, after a systematic presentation of the theoretical background of the European Union regulation, we examine the Hungarian regulation and legal practice (using the websites of five listed Hungarian companies and the BSE CGR) in connection with the identification of shareholders by the company, the verifiability of the exercise of shareholder’s rights, the remuneration policy and reporting of the public company limited by shares and the approval of legal transactions concluded with related party. We also present certain viewpoints of product governance, with special attention to product approval process and the issue of greenwashing.

Biografije autora

Tekla Papp, Full Professor of Private Law (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary).

Takla Papp is a Full Professor of Private Law (National University of Public Service, Budapest, Hungary). She is an arbitrator, advocate and member of EMCA Group, Society of European Contract Law, European Law Institute and the Vice-President of the Central and Eastern European Company Law Research Network. Her research and educational activity focuses on European and Hungarian company law, European and Hungarian contract law, European private law, consumer protection and dogmatics of legal personality.

János Dúl, University of Public Service Budapest


Papp Tekla Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Science, professor of law, University of Public Service Budapest, papp.tekla@uni-nke.hu

Dúl János PhD, associate professor, University of Public Service Budapest, dul.janos@uni-nke.hu



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