Belgrade Philosophical Annual is published by the Institute for Philosophy, University of Belgrade. The first issue of the journal appeared in 1988. The journal accepts submissions of papers on a broad domain of philosophical topics that meet respectful standards of clarity and scholarly research. Until 2013 most papers published in the journal were written in Serbian. Since 2013 the Editorial Board decided to accept submissions in English only. The Board also decided to change the old version of the name of the journal in English from ‘Philosophy Yearbook’ to its current name. The name of the journal in Serbian remained unchanged ("Filozofski Godišnjak"). The printed edition is published once a year.
Author Guidelines
Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words. The abstract should not contain any undefined abbreviations or unspecified references. Please provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.
Belgrade Philosophical Annual adopted the APA citation and referencing style.
In-text references should include the author's surname, the publication year, and the page number. Some examples:
- The classical theory of radiation (Maxwell) allowed for all possible values of electron orbits; i.e., it allowed the possibility of the continuous dissipation of the energy of the rotating electron, the continuous increase of the frequency of the electron’s revolution and the continuous decrease of the length of orbit (Perović, 2006: 278).
- This approach is characterized by the perspective of epistemic networks, a general picture of the dynamic and real-time process of acquiring beliefs and knowledge (Leydesdorff, 1991; Rosenstock, Bruner & O’Connor, 2017; Sullivan et al., 2020).
- But it would be unjustified to conclude from this that the debate about the central externalist argument against UMI is resolved in favor of externalism (Smith, 2016: 49).
The list of References should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. Some sample APA-style citations are shown below. You can download the current reference style for Belgrade Philosophical Annual (pdf).
1. Book, authored:
Perović, S. (2021). From Data to Quanta: Niels Bohr’s Vision of Physics. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
2. Book, edited:
Smithies, D., & Stoljar, D. (Eds.). (2012). Introspection and consciousness. Oxford University Press.
4. Book chapter:
Fuchs, T. (2020). "Embodied interaffectivity and psychopathology" in Szanto, T. and Landweer, H. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. Routledge.
5. Journal article:
Milevski, V. (2020). Moorean assertions and their normative function. Acta Analytica, 35(4), 531-541.
6. Article in a newspaper or magazine:
Levitt, M. (2020, August 28). Here’s what I got wrong UnHerd.
All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals, tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. For each table, please supply a table heading. The table title should explain clearly and concisely the components of the table. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table heading.
Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. They should not consist solely of a reference citation, and they should never include the bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables. Always use footnotes instead of endnotes.
All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals. Figures should always be cited in the text in consecutive numerical order. For each figure, please supply a figure caption. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the caption. Colour figures can be submitted in the RGB color system. Font-related problems can be avoided by using standard fonts such as Times Roman, Courier, and Helvetica.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal's website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal. They will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Proofs will be sent to corresponding authors via email as a PDF file. It is, therefore, essential that all submissions contain the e-mail address of the corresponding author. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned as instructed in the proof e-mail.
All inquiries can be directed to the managing editor: Papers not intended for special issues may be published in the "Articles" section.
Editorial Policies
The Journal is issued annually or semi-annually in both printed and electronic form.
Open access policy
• Belgrade Philosophical Annual is an Open Access Journal. All articles can be downloaded free of charge. The journal does not charge any fees at the submission, reviewing, and production stages. The author’s Pre-print and Author’s accepted version may be used on the author’s personal website any time after publication. Publisher source must be acknowledged for deposit of the Author’s accepted version, and a link must be made to the article’s DOI.
• Authors grant the Publisher the rights to reproduce and distribute the Manuscript in printed form, the right to produce prepublications, reprints, and special editions of the Manuscript, the right to translate the Manuscript into other languages, and the right to store the Manuscript in databases, including online databases.
• Articles published in the Belgrade Philosophical Annual will be Open-Access articles distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4. 0 International License (
Publication Ethics Statement
• All parties involved in the publication process (authors, editors, reviewers) are required to adhere to the following ethical standards, which are developed in compliance with the Code of Conduct and the Best Practice Guidelines of COPE (Committee of Publication Ethics).
Academic Integrity
• By submitting their manuscript for publication, the authors declare that the submitted text is entirely their own work and that it has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, that all used sources of data and knowledge are acknowledged and appropriately referred to and cited, and that the manuscript does not contain inaccurate, falsified or fabricated data.
• The reviewers are expected to evaluate the papers they have agreed to review in accordance with the highest academic standards in their field of expertise, to declare any possible conflict of interest which could bias their review, and to report in their reviews any kind of noticed academic misconduct.
• Being the final decision-makers about the publication of each submission, the editors are the guarantors of the integrity of the BPA publication record.
Fair and Transparent Peer Review Process
• All received manuscripts in the scope of BPA are sent for a blind review to two independent reviewers. If the assessments of the two reviewers differ significantly, the paper is sent to a third reviewer. The final decision about the publication of a submitted text is taken by the editor-in-chief.
• The editors' decision about the publication of a submitted manuscript is based entirely on the manuscript's relevance to the BPA scope and the manuscript's academic quality. The decision is taken without regard to the author's gender, nationality, citizenship, academic or institutional position, religious affiliation, political or sexual orientation.
• Both the editors and the reviewers are obliged to treat submitted manuscripts as anonymous and confidential during the whole review process.
• The editors may not disclose the reviewers' identities.
Articles published in Belgrade Philosophical Annual are indexed in:
ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences) PhilPapers
Google Scholar
ISSN: 0353-3891 , e-ISSN: 2956-0357