Archives of pharmacy receives and publishes Review papers, Original scientific papers, Professional articles, Short communications, Letters to Editor and Reports on different aspects of Pharmacy. The articles published in Archives of pharmacy are cited in SCIndex and EMBASE and are published periodically six times per year.

The suitability of the proposed manuscripts is evaluated regarding to certain level of novelty and significance of the research for the pharmaceutical community. Archives of pharmacy uses blind review system for all papers. Each manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers that are experts in the proposed subject. The authors are encouraged to propose at least two reviewers when submitting the paper. Prior to review process all manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism evaluation. Manuscripts are sent for review only if they pass the initial evaluation regarding their form and thematic scope. Under normal circumstances, the review process takes 15-20 days and average publication time is 4 months. It belongs to the open access journals though publication of the articles is free of charge.

If you want to submit paper for publication in journal Archives of Pharmacy, you can find significant information at "Info", as well as in the section Instruction for authors! To submit paper, please register on the system! If you are registred author, then just sign in and start the five step submition process.