On the need for dialectical thinking of media literacy

  • Dragan Ćalović Faculty of Contemporary Arts, Belgrade
Keywords: Key words: definition, digitalization, digitization, education, media, media literacy, technologies.


The text analyzes the frameworks of understanding the concept of media literacy in the time of dynamic technological development. The author expresses the view that media literacy must be understood as a dialectical concept. Connecting media literacy and lifelong learning is recognized as expedient only if media literacy itself is conceptually grounded as a set of knowledge and skills that are in constant change. The author suggests rethinking the content and goals of media education in relation to the perspective of the future development of technologies and social needs, emphasizing the importance of developing the ability to being sincerely re-connected with the dynamic socio-historical context. At the beginning of the text, contemporary definitions of the concept of media literacy are analyzed. After that, a brief overview of the historical development of the term is given, after which the needs and possibilities of dialectical foundation of the term are reviewed.

Original Scientific Paper