Occlusion in left coronary system - ecg dilemma in emergency medicine
Introduction/Objective: Chest pain is a main clinical symptome of acs. Posterior infarctus is usually an extension of inferior infarctus. The aim is to present a patient with mild symptomes whose ecg did not match the severity of his infarctus and retroactively we use algorithms for assessment of culpit lesion.
Case report: An emergency team was dispatched to a man who was experiencing chest pain. Ecg: synus rythm, horizontal ST depression V1-V3 1 to 2mm, ST elevation V6 ≤ 1mm,ST elevation D3 and aVF <1mm, ST depression D1 and aVL <1mm, ST elevation V7-V9 1 to 2mm. Coronarography: System LCA dominant, RCA minor with 70-80% stenosis, occlusion in OM1. Using assessing algorythms for LCx/RCA occlusion ecg suggests occlusion in right dominant coronary system which doesn't corelate with coronarography.
Conclusion: We recommend standardizational use of right/posterior leads in all inferior and suspicious posterior infarctus and including STEMI equivalents in STEMI network.
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