Konkurentske strategije kasnih sledbenika u auto industriji : primer Hyundai-Kia

  • Branko Rakita Univerzitet u Beogradu, Ekonomski fakultet
  • Vladan Madić Metropoliten Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za menadžment
  • Dušan Marković Univerzitet u Beogradu, Ekonomski fakultet
Ključne reči: Late followers||, ||Kasni sledbenici, Competitive strategies||, ||Konkurentske strategije, Global economic crisis||, ||Globalna ekonomska kriza, Hyundai-Kia||, ||Hyundai-Kia, Auto industry||, ||Auto-industrija, Globalization||, ||Globalizacija,


Rad analizira strategiju konkurentnosti kasnih sledbenika u auto industriji na primeru Hyundai Kia Auto Group (HKAG). Globalna ekonomska kriza ostavila je snažne posledice na lidere u auto industriji. HKAG je iskoristila krizu i povećala prodaju i globalnu tržišno učešće na teret lidera u grani. Utvrdili smo da je u periodu krize kompanija odlične poslovne rezultate ostvarila zahvaljujući inovativnom marketingu i prodajnim strategijama u kombinaciji sa vrhunskim kvalitetom, dizajnom proizvoda i produktivnošću. Rast konkurencije i promena poslovnog ambijenta u postkriznom periodu ugrozili su dalji rast kompanije. Kompanija je na promene u poslovnom okruženju reagovala pomeranjem fokusa na segmente luksuznih i zelenih vozila, osamostaljivanjem luksuznog brenda Genesis i većim ulaganjem u R&D.


Biografija autora

Dušan Marković, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Ekonomski fakultet
Dušan Markovic is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade University, where he also received his PhD in Business. Dušan’s PhD thesis studied the competitiveness and financial effects of cross-border acquisitions in Serbia. Professor Markovic teaches the courses on international business management in the bachelor and master programs at the Faculty of Economics, Belgrade University and the course Financial Crises and Firm Performance in the Summer School program of EBS Business School, Germany. He has published in the areas of Cross-border Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances, Emerging Market Multinationals and Business Strategies in Auto Industry. Dušan also has rich practical experience in capital and asset valuation, financial due diligence, business and financial restructuring, and has previously worked as financial advisor for Grant Thornton Serbia.


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