Efekat dana u nedelji na berzama u regionu
Ovo istraživanje preispituje kalendarske anomalije (dan u nedelji) na berzama u regionu. Glavni cilj istraživanja predstavlja ispitivanje postojanja efekata dana u nedelji na berzama u regionu u periodu od 2008. do 2014. godine, i da li postoje razlike u odnosu na efekte koje se javljaju u kriznom periodu od 2008. do 2011. godine i posle kriznom periodu od 2012. do 2014. godine. Poduzorak analize daje različite rezultate zbog povećanja stepena zrelosti tržišta kapitala, finansijske krize, pristupanja Evropskoj uniji i drugih bitnih događaja za finansijska tržišta u regionu. Svrha ovog rada je da odredi da li su odnosi između prosečnih prinosa akcija na tržištima u razvoju isti ili različiti tokom različitih dana u nedelji. Istraživanje obuhvata kvantitativnu analizu prinosa berzanskih indeksa na određeni dan koji koristi dnevne podatke od 01.01.2008. do 31.12.2014. godine za tržišta kapitala u Bosni i Hercegovini, Bugarskoj, Crnoj Gori, Hrvatskoj, Makedoniji, Rumuniji i Srbiji. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na prisustvo efekta dana u nedelji na svim posmatranim tržištima akcija u regionu izuzev tržišta akcija u Bugarskoj. Panel dobijenih rezultata podržava ranije studije koje su sprovedene na berzama u nastajanju i koje pružaju dokaz o neefikasnosti berzi.
Al-Khazali, O. M., Koumanakos, E. P., &Pyun, C. S. (2008). Calendar anomaly in the Greek stock market: Stochastic dominance analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 17(3), 461-474.
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Arhchives of daily reports (indices), for period 2008-2014, available on: www.belex.rs; www.blberza.com; www.bse-sofia.bg; www.bvb.ro; www.mse.mk; www.mnse.me; www.zse.hr and www.contryeconomy.com
Berument, M. H., & Dogan, N. (2012). Stock market return and volatility: day-of-the-week effect. Journal of Economics and Finance, 36(2), 282-302.
Bildik, R. (1999). Calendar Effect in Istanbul Stock Market. Journal of Financial Economic, 75 (2), 283-317.
Brusa, J., & Liu, P. (2004). The day-of-the-week and the week-of-the-month effects: An analysis of investors' trading activities. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 23(1), 19-30.
Brusa, J., Liu, P., & Schulman, C. (2000). The weekend effect,‘reverse’weekend effect, and firm size. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, 27(5‐6), 555-574.
Caporale, G. M., & Zakirova, V. (2017). Calendar anomalies in the Russian stock market. Russian Journal of Economics, 3(1), 101-108.
Christensen, R. P., &Klyver, K. (2006). Management consultancy in small firms: how does interaction work? Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 13 (3), 299 – 313.
Diaconasu, D.E., Mehdian, S., &Stoica, O. (2012). An examination of the calendar anomalies in the Romanian stock market. Procedia Economics and Finance 3, 817-822.
Doyle, J. R., & Chen, C. H. (2009). The wandering weekday effect in major stock markets. Journal of Banking & Finance, 33(8), 1388-1399.
Ivanov, I., Lomeov, B., & Bogdanova, B. (2012). Investigation of the market efficiency of emerging stock markets in the East-European region. International Journal of Applied Operational Research 2(2), 13-24.
Marquering, W., Nisser, J., & Valla, T. (2006). Disappearing anomalies: a dynamic analysis of the persistence of anomalies. Applied Financial Economics, 16(4), 291-302.
Milošević-Avdalović, S., & Milenković, I. (2017). January Effect on Stock Returns: Evidence from emerging Balkan equity markets. Industrija, 45(4), 7-21.
Muhammad, N. M. N., & Rahman, N. M. N. A. (2010). Efficient market hypothesis and market anomaly: Evidence from day-of-the week effect of Malaysian exchange. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(2), 35-43.