• Abdelghani Lakhdar Lakhdar SSDIA Laboratory, Hassan II University of Casablanca, ENSET of Mohammedia, 28830, Morocco
  • Aziz Moumen SSDIA Laboratory, Hassan II University of Casablanca, ENSET of Mohammedia, 28830, Morocco
  • Khalifa Mansouri SSDIA Laboratory, Hassan II University of Casablanca, ENSET of Mohammedia, 28830, Morocco
Keywords: flexible and rigid PVC, recycling, coconut, cow-horns, cicken feathers


With the increase in plastic waste, recycling becomes an urgent necessity to reduce and revalue it. PVC is one of the most widely used types of plastic in the world, and indeed it is among the most recycled.

The effect of recycling on PVC or any other type of material is to reduce these characteristics, which also depends on the method by which it is recycled.

Finding a way to increase the recyclability number of PVC by improving the mechanical characteristics will be an addition at the level of scientific research as well as at the industrial level.

The addition of a bio-loading in the form of cow horns, coconut or chicken feathers on the rigid and flexible PVC with an experimental study of the results obtained allow to deduce the most adequate bio-loaded material to improve the mechanical characteristics after recycling.

The experiments carried out on rigid and flexible PVC demonstrated the evolutions brought to PVC with and without loading after recycling

The results obtained showed an improvement in the mechanical properties of rigid and flexible PVC with a natural bio-loading with the three fibers of coconut, cow horns and chicken feathers which enhance the environment, are very light and can be collected. directly from the waste with a large amount.


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