“Shortcoming” of the electron density in BCC binary and ternary alloys of FeCr (V, Mo, W) systems studied by positron annihilation method

  • Victor Ivanovich Grafutin Federal State Budget -Enterprise-Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I.Alikhanov
  • Irina Alexandrovna Evstukhina National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”,
  • Viktor Mikhailovich Ermakov National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”
  • Vladimir Pavlovich Kolotushkin State Scientific Center- OAS “VNIINM” named by A.A.Bochvar
  • Viktor Yurievich Miloserdin National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”
  • Andrey Yurievich Mischenko National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”
  • Viktor Timopheevich Samosadny National Nuclear Research University “MEPhI”
  • Alexander Lvovich Udovsky Baikov Institute of metallurgy and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research Nuclear University - Moscow Engineering Physical Institute
  • Yuriy Viktorovich Funtikov Federal State Budget -Enterprise-Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I.Alikhanov


Alloys based on iron doped by different additions were investigated. Binary alloys containing chromium, molybdenum were investigated at the first stage. It was shown that results of doping by 0.8% molybdenum and tungsten are similar to those for the sample doped by 9%chromium. Ternary alloys containing chromium and less amounts of molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium were investigated as well. Similarity to properties of the alloy containing 0.8% molybdenum was observed for these alloys

Author Biography

Alexander Lvovich Udovsky, Baikov Institute of metallurgy and Materials Science Russian Academy of Sciences, National Research Nuclear University - Moscow Engineering Physical Institute

The Laboratory of Constructional Steels and Alloys (IMET)

Materials Science Department (MEPhI)


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How to Cite
Grafutin, V. I., Evstukhina, I. A., Ermakov, V. M., Kolotushkin, V. P., Miloserdin, V. Y., Mischenko, A. Y., Samosadny, V. T., Udovsky, A. L., & Funtikov, Y. V. (2017). “Shortcoming” of the electron density in BCC binary and ternary alloys of FeCr (V, Mo, W) systems studied by positron annihilation method. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53(3), 399. Retrieved from https://aseestant.ceon.rs/index.php/jmm/article/view/10887