Size-dependent thermodynamic description of the binary Pb-Sn system.

  • Wojciech Gierlotka Materials Science and Engineering Department, National Dong Hwa University


Recently, a new thermodynamic description of the binary Pb – Sn system was proposed and it seems to be interesting to extend this description on the system, where size of particles plays a key-role. To obtain this goal a set of surface Gibbs energies was calculated and added to Gibbs energies describing bulk phases. The extended thermodynamic description was used for calculation of size-dependent phase diagram of binary Pb-Sn system. Comparison of calculation with limited literature information allows for statement that the proposed model is in good agreement with experiment.


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How to Cite
Gierlotka, W. (2017). Size-dependent thermodynamic description of the binary Pb-Sn system. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 53(3), 233. Retrieved from