Leaching mechanism of semiconducting minerals. A historical note
The mechanism of leaching of semiconducting minerals such as CuS, ZnS, UO2, etc., has been the subject of intensive speculation by hydrometallurgy researchers in the early 1950s who assumed the formation of intermediate surface complexes that could be neither separated nor identified by physico-chemical techniques. The electrochemical theory of leaching introduced in the late 1960s resolved this problem by comparing the leaching process to a corrosion phenomenon similar to the corrosion of metals. A historical summary of these proposals is presented.
J.E. Anderson, J. Halpern, and C.S. Samis, "Kinetics of Oxidation in Sodium Hydroxide Solution Under Oxygen Pressure", Trans. AIME 197, 554-8(1953)
G. A. Deitz and J. Halpern, “Reaction of Silver with Aqueous Solutions of Cyanide and Oxygen”, J. Metals 5, 1109–1116 (1953)
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K.W. Downes and R.W. Bruce, "The Recovery of Elemental Sulfur from Pyrite and Pyrrhotite", Trans. CIM 58, 77-82 (1955)
W.H. Dresher, M.E. Wadsworth, and W.M. Fassell, Jr.,"A Kinetic Study of Leaching Molybdenite", J. Metals 8, 794-800 (1956)
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F. Habashi, Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, Volume 2. Hydrometallurgy, Gordon & Breach, New York — London — Paris 1970 (reprinted 1980)
F. Habashi, Kinetics of Metallurgical Processes, Métallurgie Extractive Québec, Québec City, Canada 1999. Distributed by Laval University Bookstore, www.zone.ul.ca
F. Habashi, “A Generalized Kinetic Model for Hydrometallurgical Processes,” Manuscript #1047, published by The Berkeley Electronic Press, California 2007
T.L. Mackay and M.E. Wadsworth, "A Kinetic Study of the Dissolution of UO2 in Sulfuric Acid", Trans. Met.Soc. AIME 212, 597-300 (1958)
D.R. McKay and J.Halpern, "A Kinetic Study of the Oxidation of Pyrite in Aqueous Suspension", Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 212, 301-9 (1958)
R.I. Pearson and M.E. Wadsworth, "A Kinetic Study of the Dissolution of UO2 in Carbonate Solution", Trans. Met.Soc. AIME 212, 294-603 (1958)
E. Peters and J. Halpern, "Kinetics of Dissolution of Pitchblende", CIM Bull. 56, 350-4(1955)
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M.H. Stanczyk and C. Rampacek, "Dissolution of Copper Sulfides in Acidic Pulps at Elevated Temperatures and Pressure", US Bureau of Mines Rept. Invest. 6193 (1963)
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