Estimation of viscosity for some silicate slags

  • Qifeng Shu State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing
  • Lijun Wang State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing
  • Kuochih Chou State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing


A new method combining KTH model with geometrical model (General solution model by Chou) to estimate viscosity of slags was proposed in this work. According to modified KTH model, viscous Gibbs free energy for mixing of ternary slags was estimated by employing general solution model. It was found that viscous Gibbs energy for mixing of ternary system or higher order system could be calculated using solely viscous Gibbs energy for mixing of sub-binary systems. Viscosities of five ternary slags CaO-MnO-SiO2, CaO-FeO-SiO2, FeO-MnO-SiO2 , CaO-MgO-SiO2 and FeO-MgO-SiO2 were estimated in the present work. A good agreement with mean deviation being less than 20% was achieved. The modified KTH model has advantages with less model parameters and improved estimation ability by comparison to original KTH model.

Author Biographies

Qifeng Shu, State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing
Associate professor, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering
Lijun Wang, State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing
lecturer,  School of metallurgical and ecological engineering
Kuochih Chou, State key laboratory of advanced metallurgy, School of metallurgical and ecological engineering, University of science and technology beijing
Professor,  School of metallurgical and ecological engineering


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How to Cite
Shu, Q., Wang, L., & Chou, K. (2014). Estimation of viscosity for some silicate slags. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 50(2), 139. Retrieved from
Original Scientific Paper