Objective. The aim of the study was to determine the level of stress and life satisfaction in alcohol addicts, ie to examine whether respondents diagnosed with alcohol dependence (F10.2) differ according to the level of stress and life satisfaction in relation to respondents from the general population.
Methods. The research was designed as a non-experimental, observational cross-sectional study, and was conducted in the period from January to July 2021, at the University Clinical Center Kragujevac. The sample consisted of 80 subjects of both sexes, aged 22 to 36 years, divided into two groups: the clinical group (subjects diagnosed with alcohol dependence - F10.2) and the control group of subjects without psychiatric illness.
Results. Study has shown that alcohol addicts have clinically significant and severe symptoms of stress, that stress symptoms were positively correlated with alcoholism, and negative with life satisfaction. In our sample, the association between stress and life satisfaction in addicts was very negative and very significant (ρ = - 0.645, p <0.001). In the clinical group of alcohol addicts, a very strong correlation was found (ρ = - 0.907, p <0.001), while in the control group there was a moderate correlation (ρ = - 0.315, p <0.05). No statistically significant correlation of stress was found with marital status, as well as with work status, level of education or religiosity.
Conclusion. In our study, it was found that higher values of stress and lower values of life satisfaction are predictive values for the possibility of alcohol dependence. These findings can be used as an auxiliary tool for orientation assessment as part of establishing the diagnosis of alcohol dependence, as well as for a better understanding of the stress phenomenon in the clinical population of alcohol addicts in our country.
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