Identification of phenol in urine in workers with professional exposure

  • Ema Raičević Zastava – Institute for occupational health, Kragujevac, Serbia
  • Nada Milovanović Zastava – Institute for occupational health, Kragujevac, Serbia
  • Filip Mihajlović University of Kragujevac, Serbia, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Department of Pharmacy
  • Snežana Đorđević National Poison Control Center, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: phenol, benzene, bisphenol A, professional toxicology, petrochemical and militaryindustry, biomonitoring of workers


Introduction: Due to  the increasing   use of  phenol   in various   industries,  the  Central  Serbiaregion   has   an   increased   need   for   toxicological   analyses.   Toxicological   measurements   areimplemented as a preventive measure to avoid occupational diseases, which is the primary goalof all occupational medicine institutions.

Objective:   To demonstrate   the significance of continuous   biological  monitoring   of   workersexposed to benzene, phenol, and phenolic resins, as well as the rapid and  easy detection  ofphenol in urine by a semi-quantitative method.

Materials and methods: The study was designed as an analytical, observational, retrospectivecross-sectional   study.   It   was   based   on   a   toxicological   analysis   of   phenol   concentration   inworkers' urine and the processing of documented results from the records of regular systematiccheck-ups at the ZZZR Zastava facility between January 2018 and December 2022.

Results: The values of phenol in the urine of 61 patients were processed through statistical dataanalysis of   patient  records,  of  which 58   were male (95%),  and   three  were  female   (5%). Astatistically significant difference in phenol concentration in urine was shown when consideringage  (0.03<0.05) and  male  patients (0.02<0.05). Furthermore,  the  study  did  not  reveal  astatistically   significant   correlation   between  age  and   measured   concentrations   of   phenol   inworkers' urine (0.07>0.05).

Conclusion: Biological monitoring of workers exposed to phenol and its derivatives is importantfrom   the   perspective   of   professional   toxicology.   Exposure   time,   individual   patientcharacteristics,   and   age   are   some   of   the   factors   that   need   to   be   taken   into   account   wheninterpreting   and   issuing   results. Semi-quantitative   method   for   determining   phenolconcentration in urine has been shown to be fast, easy, and reliable. Due to the increasing needfor phenol analysis, it is necessary to perform one of the more modern chromatographic methodsfor final confirmation of concentration.

Keywords: phenol, benzene, bisphenol A, professional toxicology, petrochemical and militaryindustry, biomonitoring of workers



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