Genus Monilinia on Pome and Stone Fruit Species

  • Jovana Hrustić
  • Milica Mihajlović
  • Mila Grahovac
  • Goran Delibašić
  • Aleksandra Bulajić
  • Branka Krstić
  • Brankica Tanović
Keywords: Control, Identification, Disease cycle, Symptoms,


Different species of the genus Monilinia are common plant pathogens that endanger pome and stone fruit production worldwide. In Serbia, two species of this genus are widely distributed – M. laxa and M. fructigena, while M. fructicola, which is officially on the A2 EPPO List of quarantine pest organisms in Europe and on the 1A part I list of quarantine pest organisms in Serbia, has so far been detected only on stored apple and nectarine fruits. The most important control measures against these pathogens include chemical control in combination with adequate cultural practices, particularly under favourable conditions for  disease development. Concerning that species of this genus can cause significant economic losses, knowledge of the pathogen biology, disease epidemiology and pathogen-host interactions is a necessary prerequisite for stable and profitable production of pome and stone fruits.


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How to Cite
Hrustić, J., Mihajlović, M., Grahovac, M., Delibašić, G., Bulajić, A., Krstić, B., & Tanović, B. (2013). Genus Monilinia on Pome and Stone Fruit Species. Pesticides and Phytomedicine / Pesticidi I Fitomedicina, 27(4).
Review Paper