Control of Green Apple Aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in Organic Apple Production

  • Dejan Marčić Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Banatska 31B, P.O. Box 163, 11080 Belgrade
  • Slobodan N Milenković Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, Bačka Topola, Maršala Tita 39, 24300 Bačka Topola
  • Lazar Ružičić Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, Bačka Topola, Maršala Tita 39, 24300 Bačka Topola
Keywords: Azadirachtin, Coccinella septempunctata, Organic agriculture, Botanical insecticides, Spraying, Predators, Apples, Aphis pomi,


The efficacy of methods used to control populations of green apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in organic apple orchards was compared over three consecutive years. The following three control methods were tested: a) predator activity (Coccinela septempunctata), b) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + selective spraying of trees on which infestation level exceeded 10% with a botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S), and c) predator activity (C. septempunctata) + total spraying of all trees in orchard with the botanical insecticide (NeemAzal T/S). In terms of maintaining a biological balance within orchard, the combination of natural regulation by C. septempunctata and selective spraying of individual trees with NeemAzal T/S proved to be the most efficient method.

Author Biographies

Dejan Marčić, Institute of Pesticides and Environmental Protection, Banatska 31B, P.O. Box 163, 11080 Belgrade
naučni savetnik
Slobodan N Milenković, Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, Bačka Topola, Maršala Tita 39, 24300 Bačka Topola
redovni profesor
Lazar Ružičić, Megatrend University, Faculty of Biofarming, Bačka Topola, Maršala Tita 39, 24300 Bačka Topola
redovni profesor


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How to Cite
Marčić, D., Milenković, S. N., & Ružičić, L. (2013). Control of Green Apple Aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer) in Organic Apple Production. Pesticides and Phytomedicine / Pesticidi I Fitomedicina, 28(4).
Original Scientific Paper