About the Journal
The journal "The Policy of National Security" tends to accumulate contemporary reflections on the influence of politics on the process of building and functioning of the national security system of a modern state.
It originated from the collection of papers named "Serbia", which was published regularly for four years and primarily dealt with topics from the domain of defence and security policy, as well as security risks and threats. By the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute for Political Studies, since 2013, this collection has become first a thematic yearbook, and then the journal "The Policy of National Security".
The editorial aims to analyze and study various aspects of national and international security from a scientific point of view, especially the role of the state and political structures in creating the security environment, especially in the context of the 21st century and the asymmetric security threats to which the modern state is exposed.
The journal is published twice a year.
The deadlines for submission of papers are April 1st and August 1st.
The journal is indexed in the Serbian Citation Index (SCIndeks):
For the purpose of editing the journal, the electronic editing system ASSISTANT is used, which ensures the transparency of the entire process. During the procedure, manuscripts are checked via iThenticae software.
Open access
The National Security Policy journal provides open access to its entire content.
The publication policy of the journal is available HERE (https://scindeks.ceon.rs/PublicationPolicy.aspx?issn=2334-959X&lang=en )
Author Guidelines
Academic journal Politika nacionalne bezbednosti publishes articles that are the result of the latest theoretical and empirical research in the field of political science. Authors should refer mainly the results of scientific research published in academic journals, primarily in political science journals.
The papers are published in Serbian and English.
Research article can have up to 40,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes. When counting the characters leave out the reference list.
Review can have up to 15,000 characters with spaces.
Book review can have up to 10,000 characters with spaces.
When counting the characters, use the option Review/Word Count/Character (with spaces) and check the box Include textboxes, footnotes and endnotes.
Academic journal The Policy of National Security adopts a modified version of Chicago citation style (17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style), the author–date system of in-text parenthetical citation, with the list of references with full bibliographic information being placed at the end of the paper.
The bibliographic data in both the parenthetical citation and reference list should be cited in the original language of the source. The English translation of the reference title should be enclosed in square brackets after the original title. The references originally written in Cyrillic script should be transliterated into Latin script.
Below are the rules and examples of citing the bibliographic information in the reference list and in the text. For each type of source, a citation rule is given first, followed by an example of citation in the reference list and bibliographic parenthesis.
The bibliographic parenthesis, as a rule, is set off at the end of the sentence, before the punctuation mark. It contains the author’s surname, the year of publication and page numbers pointing to a specifically contextual page or range of pages, as in the following example: (Mearsheimer 2001, 15–17).
Books with one author
Surname, Name. Year of publication. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Mearsheimer, John J. 2001. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. (Mearsheimer 2001)
Books with two or three authors
Surname, Name, and Name Surname. Year of publication. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Brady, Henry E., and David Collier. 2010. Rethinking Social Inquiry: Diverse Tools, Shared Standards. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. (Brady and Collier 2010)
Pollitt, Christopher, Johnston Birchall, and Keith Putman. 1998. Decentralising Public Service Management. London: Macmillan Press. (Pollitt, Birchal and Putman 1998)
Books with four or more authors
Surname, Name, Name and Surname, Name and Surname, and Name and Surname. Year of publication. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Pollitt, Christopher, Colin Talbot, Janice Caulfield, and Amanda Smullen. 2005. Agencies: How Governments do Things Through Semi-Autonomous Organizations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (Pollitt et al. 2005)
Editor(s) or translator(s) in place of the author(s)
Surname, Name, Name and Surname, ed. Year of publication. Title. Place of publication: Publisher.
Kaltwasser, Cristobal Rovira, Paul Taggart, Paulina Ochoa Espejo, and Pierre Ostigoy, eds. 2017. The Oxford Handbook of Populism. New York: Oxford University Press. (Kaltwasser et al. 2017)
Chapter in an edited book
Surname, Name. Year of publication. “Title of the chapter.” In Title, ed. Name Surname, pages range. Place of publication: Publisher.
Lošonc, Alpar. 2019. “Discursive dependence of politics with the confrontation between republicanism and neoliberalism.” In Discourse and Politics, eds. Dejana M. Vukasović and Petar Matić, 2346. Belgrade: Institute for Political Studies. (Lošonc 2019)
Journal Articles Regular issue
Surname, Name. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” Journal Volume, if available (issue): page range. DOI.
Ellwood, David W. 2018. “Will Brexit Make or Break Great Britain?” Serbian Political Thought 18 (2): 514. doi: 10.22182/spt.18212018.1. (Ellwood 2018)
Special issue
Surname, Name. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” In “Title of the special issue”, ed. Name Surname, Special issue, Journal: page range. DOI.
Chin, Warren. 2019. “Technology, war and the state: past, present and future.” In “Re-visioning war and the state in the twenty-first century.” Special issue, International Affairs 95 (4): 765–783. doi: 10.1093/ia/iiz106. (Chin 2019)
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
When the author/editor is known
Surname, Name, Name Surname, ed. Year of publication. Title. Vol. Place of publication: Publisher.
Badie, Bertrand, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, and Leonardo Morlino, eds. 2011. International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Vol. 1. Los Angeles: Sage Publications. (Badie, Berg-Schlosser and Morlino 2011)
When the author/editor is unknown
Title. Year of publication. Place of publication: Publisher. Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage. 1989. Springfield, Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster Inc. (Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage 1989)
PhD dissertation
Surname, Name. Year of publication. “Title of the dissertation.” PhD diss. University.
Munger, Frank J. 1955. “Two-Party Politics in the State of Indiana.” PhD diss. Harvard University. (Munger 1955, 17–19)
Newspapers and magazines
Signed articles
Surname, Name. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” Newspaper/Magazine Date: page range.
Clark, Phil. 2018. “Rwanda’s Recovery: When Remembrance is Official Policy.” Foreign Affairs, January/February 2018: 35–41. (Clark 2018)
Unsigned articles
Title of the newspaper/magazine. Year of publication. “Title of the article.” Date: page range. New York Times. 2002. “In Texas, Ad Heats Up Race for Governor.” July 30, 2002. (New York Times 2002)
Legal and Public Documents
Sections, articles or paragraphs can be cited in the parentheses. They should be appropriately abbreviated.
Constitutions and laws
The title of the legislative act [acronym if needed], “Official Gazette of the state” and the number of the official gazette, or the webpage and the date of last access.
The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 98/06. (The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, Art. 33)
The Law on Foreign Affairs [LFA], “Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, No. 116/2007, 126/2007, and 41/2009. (LFA 2009, Art. 17)
Succession Act [SA], “Official Gazette of the Republic of Croatia”, No. 48/03, 163/03, 35/05, 127/13, and 33/15 and 14/19. (SA 2019, Art. 3)
An Act to make provision for and in connection with offences relating to offensive weapons [Offensive Weapons Act], 16th May 2019, www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2019/17/pdfs/ukpga_20190017_en.pdf, last accessed 20 December 2019. (Offensive Weapons Act 2019)
Web sources
Surname, Name or name of the corporate author [acronym]. Year of publication or n.d. – if the year of publication cannot be determined. “The name of the web page.” The name of the web site. Date of creation, modification or the last access to the web page, if the date cannot be determined from the source. URL.
Bilefsky, Dan, and Ian Austen. 2019. “Trudeau Re-election Reveals Intensified Divisions in Canada.” The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/22/world/canada/trudeau-re-elected.html. (Bilefsky and Austen 2019)
Institute for Political Studies [IPS]. n.d. “The 5th International Economic Forum on Reform, Transition and Growth.” Institute for Political Studies. Last accessed 7 December 2019. http://www.ips.ac.rs/en/news/the-5th-international-economic-forum-on-reform-transition-and-growth/. (Institute for Political Studies [IPS] n.d.) – First in-text citation (IPS n.d.) – Second and every subsequent citation
Associated Press [AP]. 2019. “AP to present VoteCast results at AAPOR pooling conference.” May 14, 2019. https://www.ap.org/press-releases/2019/ap-to-present-votecast-results-at-aapor-polling-conference. (AP 2019)
General guidelines in writing the manuscript
The manuscript should be written in Word, in the following manner:
- Paper size: A4;
- Margins: Normal 2.54 cm;
- Use roman font (plain letters) to write the text, unless specified otherwise;
- Line spacing: 1.5;
- Footnote line spacing: 1;
- Title font size: 14 pt;
- Subtitles font size: 12 pt;
- Text font size: 12 pt;
- Footnote font size: 10 pt;
- Tables, charts and figures font size: 10 pt;
- Use Paragraph/Special/First line at 1.27 cm;
- Text alignment: Justify;
- Font color: Automatic;
- Page numbering: Arabian numerals in lower right corner;
- Do not break the words manually by inserting hyphens to continue the word in the next line;
- Save the manuscript in the .doc format.
(See more on the magazine's website)
Publisher: Institute for Political Studies, Belgrade, Serbia
ISSN: 2334-959X