Immediately after the establishment of the Institute for Political Studies in Belgrade, in January 1968, the edition of "Political Notebook" was launched, with the aim of affirming political theory and practice in the society of that time. The tradition of this journal continued in the mid-nineties of the last century, when the journal was renewed in the form of an annual, in which scientific papers were published, i.e. results of research work on projects of the Institute for Political Studies. Finally, in 2002, the Institute again launched a new series of political notebooks, this time under the name "Political Review", with the intention of regularly presenting knowledge from the fields of political science, political sociology and anthropology , recent political history, communication studies, as well as applied public opinion research - practically from all those areas that establish political science at the beginning of the 21st century, to our professional, academic, and general public.

The journal is published four times a year.

Information for authors:

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