• Hajnalka F Požar Preschool Teacher and Sport Trainer High school in Subotica, Serbia
  • Čaba F Požar Technical School „Ivan Sarić“, Subotica, Serbia
Keywords: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Theoretical knowledge, Schools, Medical, Nurses, Students, Knowledge, Resuscitation,


Introduction. Mastering the skills of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is a basic task for all health workers. In this concept, this paper examines and assesses the knowledge of resuscitation in students of the healthcare professions.

Method. The study was conducted as a cross-sectional study among students of the secondary medical school in Novi Sad (n 80), in 2015/16 years.  A questionnaire is in the form of a test of knowledge. For statistical analysis we used SPSS program, we used methods of descriptive statistics. For testing statistical significance by sex and age we used the method of cross tables and Pearson's χ2 test at a confidence level of p ≤ 0.05%.

Results. Half of the respondents believe that they do not have enough practical experience to participate in resuscitation. Also, we found a deficit of knowledge in the ratio of air insufflation and external compression of the heart, in the field of medicines and EKG tests.

Conclusion. Almost a third of future health workers does not have adequate knowledge of resuscitation, and does not know properly implement the revival. These data confirm the hypothesis that the during the education of future health workers we need to put more emphasis on the management of emergency situations as well as routine drills and practice the procedure of resuscitation.

Author Biographies

Hajnalka F Požar, Preschool Teacher and Sport Trainer High school in Subotica, Serbia
HAJNALKA POŽAR. Asistent na Visokoj školi strukovnih studija za obrazovanje vaspitača i trenera u Subotici.
Diplomirala (2011) na Medicinskom Fakultetu (Zdravstvena nega), masterirala (2013) na interdisciplinarnim studijama UNS (Profesor stručnih predmeta), trenutno je student doktorskih akademskih studija na Medicinskom Fakultetu UNS (Javno zdravlje). Od 2011-2016 je radila kao nastavnik u Medicinskoj školi „7.april“ u Novom Sadu. Od 2016. godine radi u zvanju asistenta za medicinske nauke (uža oblast zdravstvena nega). Polje interesovanja obuhvata pre svega aktivnu nastavu u obrazovanju, sectrinstvo i javno-zdravstvene probleme u oblasti ishrane. Učestvovala u prekograničnim projekatima vezano za razmenu studenata i učenika. Pripremila je brojni nastavni materijal za srednju i višu školu iz oblasti zdravstvene nege.
Čaba F Požar, Technical School „Ivan Sarić“, Subotica, Serbia
ČABA POŽAR . Profesor u Tehničkoj Školi „Ivan Sarić“ Subotica.
Diplomirao (2011) na Fakuletu Sporta i Fizičkog vaspitanja na Univerzitetu u Novom sadu. Od 2011 radi kao Profesor fizičkog vaspitanja u srednjoškolskom obrazuvanju. Poslove kao trener plivanja i asistent na predmetu Plivanje obavlja 2009. godine. 2008. godine osniva Sportski klub ''Škola Sportova'' gde je formirano jedinstven program za razvoj motoričkih sposobnosti dece uzrasta od 3 do 10 godina starosti. Njegova interesovanja obuhvataju pitanja iz oblasti fizičkog vaspitanja, sporta i fizikalne rehabilitacije, te regulisanje, sprečavanje posturalnih poremećaja kod dece.
Original Scientific Paper