Abdominal wall endometriosis from general surgeon perspective

Abdominal wall endometriosis

  • Aleksandar M Mladenović Opšta bolnica Paraćin
  • Miljan Jovančević
  • Zoran Milošević
Keywords: endometriosis, caesarean section, surgical treatment


Objective. Endometriosis is benign disease which is characterised by the presence of the functional endometrial tissue out of the uterine cavity. Abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE) represents any presence of endometrium in the abdominal wall outside the peritoneal cavity. The aim of  the work is to analyze the clinical characteristics and surgical treatment of this condition.


Methods.We have analised 14 cases of AWE operated on in our department in period from 01.01.2011. to 12.31.2019. Data were obtained by retrospective analysis of medical histories of operated patients, and were analyzed by the method of descriptive statistic.


Results. The average age of patients was 33 (26-41) years. In most patients there was data about previous operations on the lower abdomen (Caesarean section). In the clinical picture the dominant elements were pain and palpabile lesion in all patients. The pain is more often of the non-cyclic type (62,4 %). All patients underwent an ECHO examination. Radical resection (R0) was achieved in most patients, while in one patient R1 resection was involved (7,2%). Recurrence occurred in one patient.


Conclusion. Even its relatively rare, AWE can bi significant condition for two reasons. First are difficulties and complications it may create for the patient, and second is that it can be a serious differential diagnostic problem for physicians. In younger patients with palpable and painful lesions in the lower abdomen, and with a history of previous gynecological surgeries, it is necessary to think about AWE in differential diagnosis. Surgery with mandatory histopathological examination is the method of choice in the treatment of AWE. The results of surgical treatment are excellent if sufficient radicality is achieved (R0 resection).

Key words: endometriosis, caesarean section, surgical treatment

Author Biographies

Aleksandar M Mladenović, Opšta bolnica Paraćin

Rođen sam 05.09.1973 godine  u  Paraćinu. Medicinski fakultet u Kragujevcu upisao sam

1992. godine, a završio ga 1999. godine sa prosečnom ocenom 8,94. Specijalizaciju iz

opšte hirurgije upisao sam 2002 godine na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu, a

specijalistički ispit položio 30.04.2007. godine  pred komisijom prof.Predraga Peška sa

odličnim uspehom.

Posebno interesovanje imam za koloproktološku i onkološku hirurgiju. Posedujem

završen osnovni i viši kurs iz laparoskopskih procedura( Paroco-Novi Sad ), kao i

edukaciju za izvođenje endoskopskih dijagnostičkih i terapijskih procedura kod

prof.Tomice Milosavljevića. Aktivno se bavim izvođenjem laparoskopskih operacija,

gastroskopija, kolonoskopija i endoskopskih polipektomija.

Od ostalih usavršavanja izdvajam rad u operacionoj sali sa prof.Veliborom Markovićem

sa trećeg odeljenja Prve hirurške klinike KC Srbije i sa prof.Miroslavom Granićem  sa KBC

Bežanijska Kosa koji su u svojstvu konsultanata i edukatora boravili na našem odeljenju

od 2006 do 2011 godine.

Miljan Jovančević

Specijalista patologije u OB Paraćin

Zoran Milošević

Specijalista radiologije u OB Paraćin


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