• Tamara Ilić Vizantološki institut SANU Pravni fakultet UNION
Ključne reči: Byzantine law, ancient Greek law, Roman law, ownership, Byzantine documentary practice, traditio ficta


The purchase contract, often referred to as sale and purchase (πρᾶσις καὶ
ἀγορασία) as an illustration of its twofold nature derived from the Roman legal
tradition, or simply as sale (πρᾶσις), is suitable for analyzing different legal issues. In
light of typical Byzantine document named πρατήριον ἔγγραφον, we aim to define
the nature of purchase contract in this medieval legal system. Diplomatic formulae
contain data about consensus of contractual parties, as well as the fact that a
document was drafted “for security”, which raises the question of solemnity of this
contract. The role the deed has is also discussed in the paper, as in some cases it is
uncertain whether the composition and delivery of the document also implied the
passing of title. Applied methodological approach takes into account the linguistic
interpretation of documentary clauses and legal provisions in codes, and relies on
comparative-historical method.


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