Tehničke inovacije Ervin G. Erdösa: mechanički transduktor za izotonične mišićne kotrakcije

  • Rajko Igić Prof. Rajko Igićigicrajko@gmail.com


I wrote on the renowned pharmacologist Professor Ervin G Erdös and his scientific opus in my reminiscence article written on the occasion of his death in 2019.1 When I attended the Fourth International Congress in Pharmacology in Basel in 1969, Dr Ervin G Erdös invited me to join his laboratory. Thus, in April 1970, I arrived in Oklahoma City as a Fulbright Fellow to work with him for two years. Later on, as a visiting scientist I frequently worked in his research laboratories in Dallas and Chicago and we shared research interests through visits across the Atlantic between the former Yugoslavia and the United States.2, 3


Igić R. Exploration of bioactive peptides: My collaboration with Ervin G. Erdös. J Biol Chem 2018;293(21):7907-15.

Igić R, Robinson CJG, Erdös EG. Angiotensin converting enzyme in the choroid plexus and in the retina. In: Buckley JP, Ferrario CM, eds. Central actions of angiotensin and related hormones. New York: Pergamon Press;1977. p. 23-27.

Igić R. Remembrances of Ulf Svante von Euler. Acta Physiol 2018;224(3):e13098DOI:10.1111/apha.13098.

Igić R, Stern P. The effect of oxotremorine on the free and bound brain acetylcholine concentrations and motor activity in beri-beri pigeons. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1971;49:985-7.

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Magnus R. Pharmakologie der Magen - und Darmbewegungen, Ergebnisse der Physiologie 1903;2:637-72.

Vane J. Adventures in bioassay and some unexpected discoveries. Iugoslav Physiol Pharmacol Acta 1985;21:115-36.

Erdös EG, Jackman V, Barnes WC. Instrument for recording isotonic contractions of smooth muscles. J Appl Physiol 1962; 17:367-368.

Diaz-Martin D, Hernandez-Jimenez JG, Rodriguez-Valido M. Borges R. Measuring the contractile response of isolated tissue using an image sensor. Sensors 2015;9179-88; doi: 10.3390/s150409190/s150409179.
