Using the Vox instrument, this paper examines the relationship between the onboarding process and organizational culture in the pharmaceutical industry in North Macedonia, with special reference to drug manufacturing companies. The four-dimensional Vox model has been extensively utilized, which limited the dimensions to Decision Making Style and Entrepreneurial Orientation, resulting in Four Culture Types and Four Leadership Types. However, the focus in this paper is on the Four Culture Types. Using online questionnaires distributed to employees that work in drug manufacturing companies, where a total of 228 responses were collected and analyzed using SPSS software. The results indicate that Entrepreneurial Democracy is the most preferred organizational culture during their onboarding process. The analysis investigates the impact of generational differences, work experience and job categories on perceptions of organizational culture in greater detail. Diverse aspects exhibited significant differences, highlighting the need for organizations to address specific dimensions during the onboarding process in order to foster a positive work environment. Overall, this study contributes valuable insights into the relationship between the onboarding process and organizational culture in the pharmaceutical industry, laying the groundwork for future research and providing organizations with practical implications.
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