• DUSICA CIRIC Faculty of medical science University of Kragujevac


Reconstruction of infrabony defects created during chronic inflammatory process in parodontopathy represents the main clinical problem in paradontology.

The objective of this research was to compare applications of two bone substituents and evaluate the efficiency of regeneration of deep infrabony defects of paradentium after the application of the new “Biohapel” material, biphasic calcium phosphate/ poly DL-lactide-co-glycolide.

The research included 12 patients of both gender, with the average age 49,7 suffering from clinically manifested parodontopathy. The main criterion in choosing patients for the research was presence of six similar infrabony parodontal defects, at least 4mm deep, in the area of equivalent lower side teeth, on both sides of the jaw. After applying basic causal parodontopathy treatment, defects were divided into two groups: an experimental group (n=72) where defects were reconstructed using “Biohapel” bone substituent (on one side of the lower jaw) and control group (n=72) where infrabony defects were reconstructed using β tricalcium phosphate (βTCP) (Cerasorb®), a preparation very commonly applied in regenerative parodontopathy treatment (on the other side of the lower jaw). Parameters of treatment efficiency were determined before the surgery and 6 months after by measuring the depth of parodontal pocket and the level of junctional epithelium.

It was observed that statistically significant differences existed between the experimental and control group (p<0,05) regarding the examined parameters of parodontal regeneration.

Application of “Biohapel” in surgical treatment of infrabony defects of paradentium provides better bone regeneration of paradentium in comparison with application of β tricalcium phosphate which is an acknowledged standard in regenerative treatment.


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