• Dragica Selakovic Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Medicinski fakultet


Food intake reduction can reduce indices of anxiety in rats. The aim of this study was to evaluate short-term (48 hours) total food restriction influence on behavioral characteristics, as well as motor coordination and balance of rats. 3 months old male Wistar albino rats (n=20) weighting between 350-400 g were divided into control group (food and water intake ad libitum) and experimental group - total food restriction 48 hours before testing. Behavioral studies were performed using: open field, elevated plus maze, Barnes maze, beam walking, evoked beam walking and linear locomotor test. Total distance moved, velocity, movement and frequency in centre zone of the open field were significantly higher in treated group. Cumulative duration in centre zone of the open field was not significantly increased in treated group. The number of entries into the open arms, the total time spent in open arms and total distance moved in the elevated plus maze were significantly increased with no change in velocity in food restricted animals. There was no effect of 48 hours total food restriction on the Barnes maze test parameters, as well as on parameters of linear locomotor test. The velocity recorded in beam walking test was not affected by food restriction, but the velocity recorded in evoked beam walking test significantly decreased in treated group. In summary, short-term total food restriction did not produce significant changes in physical performance of rats, but resulted in anxiolytic-like behavior accompanied with food-seeking behavior due to enhanced motivation to forage for food.


Key words: food restriction, behavior, anxiety, rat


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