Focus and Scope

Serbian Journal of Management will take in consideration following types of contributions:

  • Original research work not already published
  • Plenary lectures and/or individual papers given at conferences
  • Review articles
  • Letters
  • Book reviews

Papers published in this journal, are double blind peer reviewed by the Editorial Board and leading international experts from different management science disciplines. The contents of this journal are indexed and abstracted in SCOPUS, EBSCO Publishing, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information VINITI; Kobson; DOI Serbia; Research Unit on Communication, Organizational Learning and Aesthetics RUCOLA; The Knowledge Base Social Sciences Eastern Europe GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Journals,  Academic Journals Database,  Cabell’s Directories, Google Scholar, Vrije University Brussel Library, Social Science Research Network, Academic Journals Database and CiteFactor.

Peer Review Process

The articles submitted to the Serbian Journal of Management (SJM) for possible publication will be at first processed under Editors Evaluation. Only the articles which are prepared according to the instructions to authors and within the SJMs scope will be further preceded to the reviewing process. Editors evaluation can be up to 2 month long.

After Editors Evaluation the articles will be under review. The reviewing process can last from 1 to 3 months. Referees will be invited to review each submission. When their reports have been completed, authors will be informed of the Editor's decision considering the papers' acceptability for publication in the SJM and its required modifications.

The articles that have passed the reviewing process and are accepted will be published in one of the following issues. However, Editor-in-Chief has the last word concerning the issue in which each paper will be published. Also, Editor-in-Chief can, in his sole discretion, decide not to publish a paper. Authors of the papers will have to sign an copyright agreement before the proofs of the papers become available online.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle of the signed contracts with the publishers.

Sources of Support

Publishing of SJM is financially supported by Serbian Ministry of Education and Science

Journal History

Technical Faculty in Bor, University of Belgrade has started publishing the journal called Serbian Journal of Management during the year 2006. This journal is an international medium for the publication of work on the theory and practice of management science.