Quality management tools applying in the strategy of logistics services quality improvement

  • Agnieszka Czajkowska Department of Strength of Materials and Concrete Structures, Kielce University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego, 25-314 Kielce
  • Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska Czestochowa University of Technology


Combination of factors such as: properly organized logistics process, lack of nonconformities, transport damages avoiding and transport in accordance Just In Time idea significantly reduces costs and streamlines the entire production process. This paper proposes the quality management tool for the logistics services assessment based on the results obtained in the selected company operating in Eastern Europe. Customers’ expectations and perceptions were compared  using the SERVQUAL method that concerns the service quality assessment in five areas such as: materiality, reliability, promptness, competency and empathy. The research method SERVQUAL allows assessing the service quality level and identifying company areas that requires corrective actions within the improvement process.

Author Biography

Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska, Czestochowa University of Technology
Ing. Renata Stasiak-Betlejewska, PhD. is a researcher and didactic worker of Częstochowa University of Technology since 2000 year. Deals with quality management.


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