The Roles Of Teachers In The Digitalage School

  • Ivko A. Nikolić University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)
  • Veljko R. Banđur University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)
  • Dragan D. Martinović University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)
Keywords: teaching technology, digital competences, role of the teacher, teaching process, student


Contemporary changes in school, especially student-centered teaching, require teachers to play new roles in digitalization the teaching process. To respond to new challenges in teaching, a teacher needs to have a number of different digital competences. For this purpose, research was conducted with the aim of determining the attitudes of teachers on the importance of digital competences for successful realization of teaching. The survey was conducted on a sample of 566 primary school teachers in Serbia. The Likert Attitude Scale was applied in the study. Data were processed using descriptive statistical procedures. The results of the research show that new roles to be acquired are based on the acquisition of skills in: integration of eLearning in the school teaching and learning system, ability to use electronic resources in the teaching process, ability to apply electronic devices and media in teaching, ability to apply European informatics standards. The results obtained may represent a sound basis, for policy makers, in modeling a quality school and effective teaching that would lead each student to success according to his or her individual capabilities.

Author Biographies

Ivko A. Nikolić, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)

doktor didakticko-metodickih nauka

Veljko R. Banđur, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)

Doktor pedagoških nauka

Dragan D. Martinović, University of Belgrade, Teacher Education Faculty, Belgrade (Serbia)

Doktor metodike nastave fizičkog vaspitanja


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