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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses).
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • Illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end; references are written in a separate section at the end of the paper (even when they are written in footnotes).
  • If the preparation of paper was (co)financed by an EU or national founding agency/Ministry, both the title and ID of the project is stated in the paper under Acknowledgements.
  • Abstracts and keywords are written in two languages (a) Serbian, (b) English; exceptionally in some other world language if it is widely used within particular field of science.
  • Citation format – APA Style

Author Guidelines

Journal Vojno delo

Instructions for authorshow to format text


Page formatting

Format:                       А4

Left margin:                2.54 cm

Right margin:             2.54 cm

Top margin:                2.54 cm

Bottom margin:          2.54 cm


Text formatting

Font:                           Times New Roman

Font size:                    12

Titles in text:              Without number and aligned with left margin

Text alignment:          left

Paragraph indent:       1.27 cm; only first line

Spacing:                      Single

Citation:                      Citation formatAPA Style


Text structure

Volume:                      1 authors sheet (30,000 characters in length inclusive of spacing and footnotes); paper volume does not include a list of references and summary

Title:                           Bold, centre; up to 12 words

Author’s name:           1-3 authors, centre; first name, middle initial, last name

Affiliation:                 Centre; full name of institution, headquarters

Abstract:                     150-250 words (objective of research, methods, results and


Key words:                 5 to 10 words

Obligatory parts:        Title, author’s name, affiliation, abstract, key words,

introduction, body (titles are not numbered), conclusion,

literature, summary

Literature:                   Reference formatAPA Style





The paper title

Title should describe the paper content as precisely as possible. Words suitable for indexing and searching are used. If there are no such words in title, it is preferable to add a subtitle to title.

Title is written both in Serbian and English. These titles are written before abstract.


The author’s name

The full name and surname of (all) author(s) is indicated. It is highly desirable to include the author’s middle initials. The names and surnames of local authors are always written in their original form (with Serbian diacritical marks in Latin script), regardless of the paper’s language.



The name of the authors institution (affiliation)

The full (official) name and headquarters of the institution where the author is employed, and possibly also the name of the institution where the author conducted the research, are indicated. In complex organizations, the overall hierarchy is indicated (for example, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy - Department of Sociology, Belgrade). At least an organization in the hierarchy has to be a legal entity. If there are several authors, and some of them work in the same institution, it has to be indicated, with special marks or in some other way, which of the mentioned institutions each of the mentioned authors comes from.

Affiliation is written immediately after the authors name. The author’s function and title are not mentioned.


Contact information

The author’s address or e-mail is given in a note (footnote) at the bottom of the paper’s first page. If there are several authors, only the address of the first author and the ORCID number for each author (https://orcid.org/) are given. This footnote is marked with an asterisk (*).


Language and script

The language of paper can be Serbian (Cyrillic or Latin) or English.



Abstract is a short informative presentation of the paper content that enables reader to quickly and accurately evaluate its relevance. Abstracts should include terms frequently used for indexing and searching papers.

Abstract includes the main problem, subject, hypotheses, objective, research methods and results, and the final conclusion.

Abstract should be 150 to 250 words long and should be written between heading (title, the authors name and affiliation) and key words, followed by the paper text.


Key words

Key words are terms or phrases that best describe the paper content for indexing and searching purposes. They should be chosen based on an international source (list, dictionary or thesaurus) that is most widely accepted, e.g. Web of Science’s key word list.

The number of key words cannot be less than 5 and more than 10, and the frequency of their use should be as high as possible.

Key words are written immediately after abstracts, i.e. summaries.


Thank-you note

The name and number of the project, i.e. the name of the programme which paper has been written within, as well as the name of the institution that has financed the project or programme is indicated in a special note (footnote) at the bottom of the first page of the paper. This footnote is marked with an asterisk (*).


Previous versions of the paper

If the paper, in its previous version, has been presented at a conference in the form of an oral communication (under the same or similar title), information about this should be indicated in a special note (footnote) at the bottom of the first page of the paper. This footnote is marked with an asterisk (*).


Tables and graphs

Tables and graphs should be provided in a uniform manner, in accordance with the selected disciplinary standard of paper formatting. It is desirable that titles of all tables and graphs, and preferably the textual content, are given bilingually, in the language of the paper and in English. The number and name of the table are written above it, and the number and name of the picture are written below it.


Citation in the text

The journal Vojno delo uses the APA referencing style, 7th edition, which implies giving bibliographic parentheses (brackets) according to the author-date system in the text, as well as a list of references used in the text with bibliographic data after the concluding part of the paper. Citing literature in small brackets has to be done in Latin script, as well as a list of literature (references) at the end of the text, regardless of the fact that the text of the paper is written in Cyrillic.

As a rule, bibliographic parenthesis is indicated at the end of the sentence, before the punctuation mark, and contains the author’s surname, the year of publication and the corresponding number of pages, according to the following example: (Blagojević, 2020, pp. 7477).

If authors from different references have the same last name, use the initials of the author’s name in the citation, e.g. (Hamilton, C. L., 1994) or C. L. Hamilton (1994). If two or more authors are cited in the same place, they should be listed in alphabetical order within the same citation, separated by a semicolon, e.g. (Brown, 1991; Smith, 2003).

Foreign names should be written transcribed, and when first cited, after the name in parentheses, put the name in the original along with the year of publication of the paper, e.g. Pijaže (Piaget, 1960) or Mišel Fuko (Michel Foucault). When there are two authors of the paper, the surnames of both are given, while in the case of several authors, the surname of the first one and the abbreviation et al.“ is indicated.

Direct quotations (literally - word for word) should be followed by a reference with a page number (Weber, 1989 : 59) with mandatory quotation marks at the beginning and in the end of the quotation. When quoting the text that is not in the original language of the paper in which it is quoted, no quotation marks are used because there is no direct match of words in search engine, but the source of the quotation has to be indicated, as in all other cases. If a direct quote is longer than 40 words, quotation marks are not used, but such a quote is presented in a text block, which is 1.27 cm indented, with the source cited before the block or at the end of the block, before the last punctuation mark.

When the same author is cited several times, the order of the years in which the papers have been published is followed. If a great number of papers by the same author published in the same year is cited, the papers should be marked with letters along with the year of publication, e.g. 1999a, 1999b... The citation of unpublished papers is not desirable, and if necessary, the source information should be provided as completely as possible.


Literature (a list of references)

As a rule, cited literature includes bibliographic sources (articles, monographs, etc.) and is given exclusively in Latin in a separate section of the paper, in the form of a list of references arranged alphabetically according to the last name of the (first) author and without numbering. In the APA style, a list of references has to be presented in alphabetical order, which could not be done if references were in any other script. When citing sources written in other language, in the reference list, the title of such a source (article/book/book chapter, etc.) has to be translated into English in square brackets immediately after the original title, without using italics in square brackets. The title of the journal or the title of the collection, as well as the name of the publisher, has to also be written in Latin, but not translated. References are not translated into the language of the paper.

-                  Citing a book (monograph)

If there is 1 author:

Last name, first name’s initial(s) (if the author uses a middle name, first write the initial of the first name, space, then the initial of the middle name). The year of publication in round brackets. Title. Publisher (without indicating the address of the publisher, unless the address is an integral part of the name of the publisher, such as the University of Defence in Belgrade).


in text: (Mearsheimer, 2001: 95)

at the end of the paper: Mearsheimer, J. J. (2001). The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. W.W. Norton.

in text: (Đurić, 2013: 235)

at the end of the paper: Đurić, S. (2013). Istraživanje bezbednosti – kvalitativni pristup. Fakultet bezbednosti Univerziteta u Beogradu.

If there are several authors:

Last name, initial(s) of the first name (if the author uses a middle name, first write the initial of the first name, space, then the initial of the middle name), last name, initial(s) of the first name and last name, initial(s) of the first name. The year of publication in round brackets. Title. Publisher.


in text: (Buzan et al., 1998: 126)

at the end of the paper: Buzan, B., Ole Wæver, О. & de Wilde, Ј. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers

in text: (Keković et al., 2011: 56)

at the end of the paper: Keković, Z., Savić, S., Komazec, N., Milošević, М., i Jovanović, D. (2011). Procena rizika i zaštita lica, imovine i poslovanja. Centar za analizu rizika i upravljanje krizama.

-                  Citing journals

a paper in a journal in printed form (one author):

Last name, initial(s) of the first name. (Year of publication). The title of the paper. Journal title, Volume (number), number of pages. DOI number (if available)


in text: (Dragišić, 2010: 225)

at the end of the paper: Dragišić, Z. (2010). Nacionalna bezbednost – alternative i perspektive. Srpska politička misao, 28(2), 217-232.

-                  Citing a doctoral dissertation

Last name, initial of the first name. (Year of publication). Dissertation title: subtitle. [Type of dissertation, name of the university where it has been defended: faculty (if necessary)]. The name of the archive or website. URL


in text: (Ejdus, 2012: 145)

at the end of the paper: Ejdus, F. (2012). Uzajamno konstituisanje identiteta političke zajednice i njene bezbednosti. Doktorski rad. Fakultet političkih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu.

-                  Citing websites

Last name, initial(s) of the authors first name or Name of the organization. (Full date). The name of the website. Site name (if not the same as the author’s organization). URL


in text: (Žižek, 2013)

at the end of the paper: Žižek, S. (2013). Die Krise des Westens betrifft sowohl Demokratie als auch Finanzwirtschaft. Downloaded on November 14, 2013 from http://www.egs.edu/faculty/slavoj-zizek/articles/die-krisedes-westens-betrifft-sowohl-demokratie-als-auchfinanzwirtschaft/



A summary is given at the end of the paper, after the References section. It is written in the language of the paper as an extended summary in a structured form up to 1/10 of the length of the paper (about 400-600 words).


APA style

These instructions list the most common cases of citation in social sciences, and more detailed information can be found on the website:




The special obligations of the manuscript authors

1.     The authors guarantee that the submitted manuscript represents their original contribution, which has not been published before and it is not considered for publishing in other publication. The authors also guarantee that after publication in Vojno delo, the manuscript will not be published in other publication in any language without the consent of the Editorial board.

2.     The authors guarantee that the rights of the third parties will not be violated and that the publisher will not bear any responsibility in the event of issuance of any claims for damage. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the submitted manuscripts and have to obtain permission to publish data from all parties involved in the research. The authors wishing to include in their papers images or parts of the text that have already been published somewhere, are obliged to obtain the consent of the copyright owners and to submit evidence that such consent has been granted, or to indicate the source in accordance with point 14 of these instructions. The papers for which such evidence has not been submitted will be considered the original paper of the author.

3.     The authors guarantee that all persons who have significantly contributed to the content of the manuscript are listed as authors. The contribution of each author should be clearly and precisely stated, as a special note in the authorship statement. The authors should adhere to ethical standards on scientific research, and the manuscript should not contain unfounded or illegal claims and violate the rights of others.

4.     If the authors discover an important error in their paper after its publication, they are obliged to immediately inform the editor or publisher about it and to cooperate with them in order to withdraw or correct the paper.


We warn the authors that each manuscript is checked for plagiarism, i.e. whether it contains: literal or almost literal taking or deliberate paraphrasing (in order to cover up plagiarism) of parts of the other authors’ texts without clearly indicating the source or marking the copied fragments (for example, using quotation marks); copying equations, images or tables from the other authors’ papers without properly citing the source or without the permission of the author or copyright owners to use them.


If the paper published in the journal Vojno delo is found to be plagiarized, the authors will be requested to offer a written apology to the authors of the original paper.

Manuscripts found to contain plagiarized parts will be automatically rejected, and the authors will be prohibited from publishing in the journal.

Manuscripts that do not comply with the mentioned guidelines will not be considered for review.


The author submits their text to the Editorial Office of Vojno delo through his registered account in the Assistant application (Instructions for Assistant 3.1).


During a calendar year (volume) the author can publish only one paper in the journal, regardless of whether it is an independent or co-author paper.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.