Unrecognized urinoma caused by infiltrative bladder cancer

  • Dragan Grbić Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Urology, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Dimitrije P. Jeremić Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Urology, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Saša Vojinov Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Urology, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Ivan Levakov Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Urology, Novi Sad, Serbia
  • Alexander B. Cantrell University of California, Department of Urology, Davis, United States
  • Goran Marušić Clinical Center of Vojvodina, Department of Urology, Novi Sad, Serbia
Keywords: urinoma;, diagnosis;, tomography, x-ray computed;, histological techniques;, urinary bladder, neoplasms.


Introduction. Urinoma develops after disruption of col­lecting system of urinary tract and urine leak in surrounding tissue. Most common causes of urinoma are blunt or pene­trating trauma. Less common causes are iatrogenic injuries or urinary tract obstruction. In this article we presented a rare case of the urinoma caused by infiltrative bladder can­cer. Case report. Acutely ill, a septic patient with ileus and profound azothaemia was admitted to medical intensive care unit. Native computed tomography revealed moderate ileus, right kidney hydronephrosis, extensive retroperitoneal urinoma and vesical thickening with excluded infiltration of ureteral orifices. Computed tomography guided percutane­ous drainage was done. Upon stabilization, patient under­went transurethral bladder tumor electroresection (histopa­thology report was: infiltrative transitional cell tumor of uri­nary bladder). Radical cystectomy was done. The patient’s recovery was uneventful. Conclusion. Urinoma formed due to spontaneous rupture of collecting system based on ureteral obstruction caused by urinary bladder tumor is very rare clinical case scenario. In case of urinoma of unclear eti­ology invasive bladder cancer should be excluded.



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Case report