Sex assessment from the proximal femur in the Spanish population based on three-dimensional computed tomography metric analysis

  • Mirjana Djorojevic University of Granada, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology, Granada, Spain
  • Concepción Roldán University of Granada, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Biostatistics, Granada, Spain
  • Miguel Botella University of Granada, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology, Spain
  • Inmaculada Alemán University of Granada, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology
Keywords: anthropometry, femur, multidetector computed tomography, sex




Background/Aim. The studies published in recent years have shown that the linear measurements on the three-di­mensional computed tomography (3D-CT) clinical images of the hip bone, skull or breastbone can serve as a reliable alternative method for sex estimation. In spite of the fact that the proximal femur exhibited high dimorphism when examining the skeletal material, there is still a lack of mor­phometric studies dealing with the CT imaging of this ana­tomical region that would confirm the relevance of the pre­viously obtained results. The aim of this study was to vali­date the reliability and precision of some proximal femur measurements obtained in vivo from the 3D-CT models and to compare the accuracies of our findings with those for­merly reported by other relevant research. Methods. A total of 146 CT scans (73 male and 73 females) were selected to take 6 measurements using the traditional osteometric methods. The 3D reconstruction was done at 1mm and 1.25 mm thick slices with OsiriX (v.4.1). The univariate and multivariate discriminant functions (DFs) were formulated for assessing sex. Results. The vertical diameter of neck and the vertical diameter of head were found to contribute the most when considered independently (90.4%–91.8%). When combining these with the other dimensions, the pre­diction accuracy increased up to 97.3%. The accuracy of CT measurements is in accordance with those obtained in the traditional morphometric studies on the skeletonized fe­murs of contemporary populations. The 3D-CT approach showed remarkably higher percentage of predictive ability in comparison with the 2D technique. Conclusion. 3D-CT is a suitable tool for the objective quantification of osteologi­cal data. The medical scans and measurements on living in­dividuals offer a valuable source of data from which the highly reliable skeletal standards can be developed for esti­mating sex, even from the fragmented remains. The method proposed here can be highly useful especially in the identifi­cation of mass disaster victims when the direct osteometry is difficult to apply and maceration of the remains is not an option.

Author Biography

Mirjana Djorojevic, University of Granada, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Legal Medicine, Toxicology and Physical Anthropology, Granada, Spain

Department of Legal Medicine,Toxicology and Physical Anthropology

MSc Forensic Anthropology



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