Orthotopic ileal neobladder “Belgrade pouch” in females

  • Predrag Aleksić Military Medical Academy, Urology Clinic, Belgrade, Serbia
  • Vladimir Bančević Military Medical Academy, Urology Clinic, Belgrade, Serbia
Keywords: colonic pouches;, female;, postoperative complications;, serbia;, treatment outcome;, urinary bladder neoplasms;, urological surgical procedures


Background/Aim. Orthotopic continent neobladder provides adequate capacity, low pressure reservoir, acceptable rate of continence and satisfactory voiding frequency. Standard surgical techniques require the usage of an ileal segment in the length of 50–65 cm for neobladder creation with favorable results. However, the usage of a long intestinal segment is associated with high neobladder capacity, voiding problems, and metabolic complications. The aim of this study was to analyze clinical outcomes of the “Belgrade pouch” orthotopic bladder replacement in female patients and to promote the usage of shorter ileal segment for neobladder creation. Methods. A prospective study conducted in our institution from 2009 to 2019 included 37 female patients who underwent orthotopic bladder replacement according to “Belgrade pouch” technique with the usage of shorter ileal segment whose average length for neobladder creation was 28 cm. Inclusion criteria were: female continent patients older than 18, organ-confined muscle-invasive bladder carcinoma and, the American Society of Anestesiologists (ASA) score 1 or 2. Exclusion criteria were: diabetes mellitus, obstructive pulmonary diseases, systemic illnesses and metabolic diseases which may have some influence on results interpretation, renal deterioration and preoperative incontinence. We analyzed operative time, blood loss, histopathological findings, continence rate, metabolic disorders, immediate and delayed complications and survival rate in two-year periods of follow-up. Results. Average age of patients was 58 (32–67) years. Average time of surgical procedures was 199 (155–320) min. Blood transfusion was intraoperatively applied in 32.43% of the patients in average volume of 385 (300–640) mL. A total of 29.47% patients had anemia preoperatively. In the early postoperative period we reported one patient with paralytic ileus which was resolved conservatively and one patient with urinary fistula appearance; 56.75% of the patients were in pT2 stage. Two years following the surgery, daytime continence was achieved in 91.89% of the patients, neobladder capacity was 459 (345–592 ) mL, post-void residual urine volume was 27 (0–40) mL, 24 h voiding frequency 6, metabolic acidosis appeared in 2.7% of the patients. Survival rate in 2-year period was 86.48%. Conclusion. Orthotropic ileal neobladder created from the shorter ileal segment (“Belgrade pouch”) in females provides a high level of continence without a significant increase of voiding frequency, with adequate capacity, without urinary tract retention and with decrease of metabolic complications. 

Author Biography

Vladimir Bančević , Military Medical Academy, Urology Clinic, Belgrade, Serbia

Dept of Urology


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