Sećanje na dr Elizabetu Ros
Litvinjenko S. How the epidemics of typhoid and relapsing fe-ver were stopped in Serbia in 1915. Srp Arh Celok Lek 1995; 123(11‒12): 328‒30. (Serbian)
Gavrilović V. Women doctors in the wars of 1876-1945 in the territory of Yugoslavia. Belgrade: Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture of Yugoslavia; 1976. (Serbian)
Antić D. Typhoid fever in Kragujevac 1st Reserve Military Hospital 1914-15. In: Stanojević V. editor. History of Serbian military medicine: Our war medical experience. Belgrade: V. Stanojević; 1925. p. 314‒28. (Serbian)
Mikić D, Nedok A, Popović B, Todorović V, Kojić M. Epidemics of infectious diseases and engagement of the Serbian military field hospitals on their prevention and treatment in the First World War. In: Nedok A, Popović B, Todorović V, editors. Serbi-an military medical service in the First World War. Belgrade: Medija centar „Odbrana“; 2014. pp. 269‒309. (Serbian)
Huittinen VM. Finnish language in medicine on history, ideol-ogy and practice. Duodecim 2002; 118(9): 958‒62. (Finnish)
Mikić Ž, Lešić A. Dr Elizabeth Ross: Heroine and Victim of World War I in Serbia. Srp Arh Celok Lek 2012; 140(7‒8): 537‒42. (Serbian)
Story: Biography of Doctor Elizabeth Ness MacBean Ross. Glasgow: University of Glasgow. Available from: [retrieved 2019 January 21].
Nedok A. Serbian military field hospital at the beginning of the war and in the great battles of 1914. In: Nedok A, Popović B, editors. Serbian military medical service 1914‒1915. Bel-grade: Ministry of Defence, Miliutary Health Department and Academy of Medical Sciences of the Serbian Medical Society; 2010; pp. 25–76.
Popović-Filipović S. For Courage and Humanity: Scottish Wom-en's Hospitals in Serbia, and with Serbs during the First World War 1914–1918: History of Humanity and Humanity in Ser-bian History. Belgrade: Signature; 2007. p. 186. (Serbian)
Mikić Z. Scottish Women's Hospitals ‒ the 90th anniversary of their work in Serbia. Med Pregl 2005; 58(11‒12): 597‒608. (English, Serbian)
"Dr Elizabeth Ross – the Scottish saint of Serbia". Available from: [retrieved 2019 January 21].
Dr. Elizabeth Ness MacBean Ross. Br Med J 1915; 1(2828): 491.
Mapping Memorials to Women in Scotland. Plaque to Dr Elizabeth Ross. Available from: [re-trieved 2019 January 22].
Serbian stamps honour WW1 heroines. Scotland, Edinburgh: BBC News; 2015.
Tain through time: Dr Elizabeth Macbean Ross. Available from: