Rekonstrukcija velikog defekta kolumele Schmid-Meyer-ovim režnjem
Uvod. Zbog vrlo specifične anatomije kolumele i ograničenog izbora lokalnih i regionalnih režnjeva, rekonstrukcija defekta kolumele i dalje predstavlja izazov. Isto tako, tekstura i boja tkiva kolumele predstavljaju poteškoće u odabiru prave rekonstruktivne metode. Prikaz bolesnika. U radu je predstavljen bolesnik kod koga je urađena rekonstrukcija složenog defekta kolumele pomoću Schmid-Meyer-ovog režnja. To je tubularni režanj sa vaskularnom peteljkom zasnovanom na supracilijarnim krvnim sudovima, koji dopušta transpoziciju kože temporalne regije sa graftom aurikularne hrskavice, na sam vrh nosa. Vitalnost prikazanog režnja je očuvana u potpunosti. Tokom jednogodišnjeg perioda praćenja, estetski i funkcionalni rezultati bili su zadovoljavajući. Zaključak. Schmid-Meyer-ov režanj može biti jedna od najboljih opcija za rekonstrukciju složenog defekta kolumele.
1. Tan O, Kiroglu AF, Atik B, Yuca K. Reconstruction of the columella using the prefabricated reverse flow submental flap: A case report. Head Neck 2006; 28(7): 653‒7.
2. Schmid E. Uber neu Wege in der plastichen Chirurgie der nase. Bruns' Beitr Klin Chir 1952; 184: 385. (German)
3. Meyer R, Oppliger GC. Partial Plastic Substitution Of The Nose. Helv Chir Acta 1964; 31: 304‒15. (German)
4. Benito-Ruiz J, Raigosa M, Yoon TS. Columella reconstruction using a free flap from the first web space of the foot. Ann Plast Surg 2012; 69(3): 279–82.
5. Abbas JR, Sudbury D, Jeyarajah C, Anari S. Nasal columella reconstruction: A review of the current techniques. 5th International Conference and Expo on Cosmetology, Trichology & Aesthetic Practices April 25-27, 2016 Dubai, UAE. J">">J Clin Exp Dermatol Res 2016; 7(3 Suppl):
6. Teltzrow T, Arens A, Schwipper V. One-stage reconstruction of nasal defects: evaluation of the use of modified auricular composite grafts. Facial Plast Surg 2011; 27(3): 243‒8.
7. Ozkus I, Cek DI, Ozkus K. The use of bifid nasolabial flaps in the reconstruction of the nose and columella. Ann Plast Surg 1992; 29:461–3.
8. Jayarajan R. Total Columella Reconstruction Using Nasocheek Flap and Septal Cartilage Graft. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2015; 3(11): e559.
9. Agrawal KS, Shrotriya R, Pabari M. An Innovative Technique for Columellar Reconstruction using 'Flip-Over' Buccal Mucosa Flap. J Clin Diagn Res 2016; 10(7): PD05‒6.
10. Baker SR, Swanson NA. Oblique forehead flap for total reconstruction of the nasal tip and columella. Arch Otolaryngol 1985; 111(7): 425‒9.
11. Güçer T. Retroauricular prefabricated chondrofasciocutaneous flap for reconstruction of the columella. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002; 109(3): 1090‒3.
12. Tzur R, Berezovsky AR, Krieger Y, Shoham Y, Silberstein E. Columellar reconstruction: a refinement of technique. Arch Craniofac Surg 2018; 19(2): 148–51.
13. Jourdain A, Darsonval V, Laccourreye L, Huguier V. Indications for the Schmid-Meyer frontal-temporal flap for nasal reconstruction. Four clinical cases. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 2000; 45(1): 24‒30. (French)
14. Arnaud D, Potier B, Jeufroy C, Darsonval V, Rousseau P. Schmid-Meyer fronto-temporal flap for nasal reconstruction. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 2012; 113(6): 423‒32. (French)