Dijabetes i gojaznost kao rezultat narušavanja homeostatskog mikrobioma. Novi podaci o etiopatogenezi dijabetesa

  • Dragan M. Nikolić University of Belgrade, School of Medicine, dr Subotica 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases-Laboratory for human pancreatic islets, Dr Subotica 13, 11000 Belgrade, Clinical
Ključne reči: mikrobiota;, dijabetes melitus;, gojaznost;, pankreas;, gastrointestinalni sistem.


The aetiopathology of diabetes is not fully understood. Recent studies have confirmed that microorganisms influence insulin secretion directly in the pancreas and indirectly in the gastrointestinal tract.  In a healthy body, microorganisms are part of the homeostatic microbiome and play a key role in maintaining health, digestion and metabolism. Formation of the homeostatic microbiome takes place in several stages: pregnancy and childbirth, breastfeeding, contact with family and wider environment, nutrition and sexual contacts. Many internal and environmental factors can lead to disorders of homeostatic microbiome, causing disorders of glucose homeostasis. The present document tests the hypothesis that disruption of the homeostatic microbiome play an important role in aetiopathogenesis of diabetes and obesity



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