• Irena Pejić Faculty of Law, University of Niš
Keywords: Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. Constitutional Revision. Judicial Reform.


Abstract: The process of constitutional revision can be viewed from two points: the first, which refers to the elements of the constitutional change procedure, and the second, which requires a review of the subject of constitutional revision contained in the Act on the Revision of the Constitution. This paper discusses the legitimation of the Act amending the Constitution, as well as new constitutional solutions that change the provisions on the election of judges and public prosecutors, and the provisions on judicial councils in the Republic of Serbia.



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Legal acts/sources:

Venice Commission CDL-AD(2021)032-e. Serbia - Opinion on the draft Constitutional Amendments on the Judiciary and draft Constitutional Law for the Implementation of the Constitutional Amendments, adopted by the Venice Commission at its 128th Plenary Session (Venice and online, 15-16 October 2021)

Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, Official Gazette of the RS no. 98/2006

Act on Revision of the Constitution of Serbia, Official Gazette of the RS no. 115/2021

Constitutional Law for the implementation of the Act on Revision of the Constitution of Serbia, Official Gazette of the RS no. 115/2021


Review Paper