• Milica Ristić Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Banjoj Luci
Keywords: coronavirus, Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, variola vera, epidemic


The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula reminded many of the somewhat forgotten case of the smallpox epidemic (Variola vera) in 1972 in the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY). The example of the former common state that managed to vaccinate around 18 million citizens and declare the end of the epidemic within two months was highlighted more and more often by the public; in contrast, the former socialist republics were still fighting the (mostly unsuccessful) battle with the corona virus after two years. In this regard, the experience of the former SFRY could be valuable and instructive for its successor states in the fight against the current pandemic. This paper will attempt to provide an insight into the regulations that were in force at the federal level in SFRY before the outbreak, during the outbreak, and after the epidemic. With the mandatory consideration of historical and political circumstances, and the development of new understandings and technologies from 1972 to the present day, the paper will try to answer the question whether the legal framework of a country is decisive in the fight against serious infectious diseases or factors that are not exclusively of a legal nature can be dominant in fighting the epidemic.


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Original Scientific Paper