
Keywords: cultural good, restriction of ownership, protection of cultural goods, owner's rights, property, owner's obligations


In the Art. 52 of the Constitution of Croatia, cultural goods are declared as goods of special interest to the Republic of Croatia that enjoy the special protection of the state. Art. 69 of the Constitution stipulates that the state protects, among other things, cultural goods as spiritual national values. The Constitution of Serbia, in its art. 89, determines the obligation of every person to preserve, among other things, cultural heritage as an asset of general interest. The authors believe that something similar exists in most modern legal systems. Various legal subjects own many cultural goods. Still, given their status and the special protection they enjoy, the owners of such goods are subject to certain ownership restrictions and have obligations that owners of most other things do not have.

In this paper, the authors will analyze Croatian and Serbian legal acts that regulate the protection of cultural goods with special emphasis on restrictions of ownership over cultural goods in these two countries. There are certain similarities, but also some differences between how the protection of cultural goods is regulated in Croatia and Serbia. The types of cultural goods and their protection vary in certain ways, as well as the rights and obligations of owners of cultural goods.

Author Biographies

Dubravka Klasiček, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera, Pravni fakultet u Osijeku, Katedra građanskopravnih znanosti
Dr. sc., viši asistent, katedra građanskpravnih znanosti
Tomislav Nedić, Građansko pravo, bioetika, pravna i moralna filozofija

Dr. sc. Tomislav Nedić

Asistent na Katedri građanskog i građanskoprocesnog prava, Pravni fakultet Osijek, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera

Vlasta Budiša, Ministarstvo kulture, Konzervatorski odjel, stvarno pravo, kutlura i kulturna dobra

Doktorant (PhD. candidate) na Poslijediplomskom sveučilišnom (doktorskom) studiju "Pravo"

Viši upravni savjetnik u Ministarstvu kulture, Upravi za zaštitu kulturne baštine, Konzervatorski odjel u Osijeku


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Presuda Apelacionog suda u Novom Sadu, Gž 2764/16 from 17.11.2016

Original Scientific Paper