• Milena Jovanović Zattila Pravni fakultet u Nišu redovni profesor
Keywords: LLC, employees, company owners, ESOP, reserved own share and financial instrument - right to acquire shares


In order for the company to achieve a good business result, it has at its disposal a number of incentive measures that will motivate employees to work more productively and efficiently. The plan for allocating shares in the company to employees is one of the most successful measures in comparative practice, and with the amendments to the Law on Business Companies, it has become an integral part of the legislation of the Republic of Serbia. This innovation of corporate management applies exclusively to companies with limited liability. For the purpose of implementing this incentive measure, two new terms were defined: reserved own share and financial instrument - the right to acquire a share. In the paper, the author analyzes the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), where he examines the application and diversity of the ESOP plan in comparative law, and then examines the reasons for its adoption, implementation of the procedure itself and its implementation in national law.


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Упутство АПР-а – Промене у вези са реализацијом права на стицање удела (, септембар 2023)
Original Scientific Paper