Hungarian mixed court without representativity. An empirical research.
Reprezentativnost sudija laika u Mađarskoj. Empirijsko istraživanje
Naša istraživačka grupa je još pre nego što je objavljena namera da se realizuje ova reforma odlučila da u Mađarskoj sprovede jedno sveobuhvatno empirijsko istraživanje koje će obuhvatiti i mišljenja prisednika i profesionalnih sudija. Ovim smo istraživanjem želeli dobiti preglednu sliku o sistemu prisednika laika budući da ovakvo istraživanje nije sprovedeno unazad zadnjih gotovo pedeset godina. Smatrali smo da je često negativna ocena delatnosti prisednika laika indukovana prevashodno mitovima i stručnom nadmoći pravne struke te negativnim izjavama o njihovom radu kakve se u sličnoj formi mogu čuti i u drugim zemljama, a da ona nije posledica mišljenja onih ljudi koji imaju stvarni uvid u pravo funcionisanje sistema, bilo da su laici ili profesionalni sudije. Cilj istraživanja je bio da na osnovu analize vrela sadržanih u stručnoj literaturi i pravnih propisa, te upoznavanja mišljenja prisednika laika i profesionalnih sudija dobijemo uvid u aktualno stanje sistema prisednika laika, kao i da u slučaju potrebe pripremimo de lege ferenda predloge za potrebe zakonodavca. U ovom radu se bavimo analizom problema izbora i reprezentativnosti sudija kao jednog od bazičnih pitanja same suštine laičkog suđenja.
Hungarian mixed court without representativity. An empirical research.
A research group consisting of the authors of this study determined to carry out comprehensive empirical research on the opinions of lay assessors and professional judges in Hungary. Since such an endeavour had not taken place for more than fifty years, research was now aimed at detailing the system of lay judges. The commonly perceived negative view of lay assessor activities was thought to have been induced by myth, professional superiority and negative statements also similarly made in other countries rather than being based on the very views of those who actually had an insight as lay or professional judges into the effective functioning of the system. The objectives of that research were two-fold: not only did they intend to convey a full picture of the current lay assessor system based on specialist literature, legislation analysis and the opinions of lay and professional judges, but they also brought forward de lege ferenda proposals to the legislator if it was so desired. This study analyses one of the basic questions that goes to the heart of lay participation in dispensing justice: the problem of selection and representativity.
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