Notification in Administrative Procedure
In the new Law on general administrative procedure of the Republic of Serbia, passed in 2016, the notification is conceived as a new way of communication between the authorities conducting the administrative procedure and the parties or other participants. The paper examines whether the rules on notification really mean something essentially new and different. The analysis shows that "notification" is an artificial construction, for which there is no real need. Essentially, it is reduced to delivery, which is explicitly confirmed by the legislator himself, in several places. The desire to turn delivery into something new led to the creation of a construction that is not only confusing, but in some places caricatured. In addition to inappropriate terminology, it does not make any substantial changes. �овела је до стварања конструкције која није само конфузна, већ на појединим местима и карикатурална. Осим непримерене терминологије, она не доноси никакве суштинске промене.
Original Scientific Paper