Situational picture about the Hungarian prison system
Abstract: The aim of this study is to illustrate some/or the main features of the Hungarian penitentiary system. Accordingly, the present paper attempts to introduce the main aspects of the institutions for the accommodation of inmates, as well as the most relevant information about the prisoners, prison conditions and the problems of the penitentiary system.
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Csere László, “A Tiszalökön PPP-konstrukcióban épülő bv. intézet megvalósításának előzményei,” Börtönügyi Szemle, 4/2007, 5-10.
Hungarian Prison Service, The Yearbook of Hungarian Prison Service 2018, 12.
Hungarian Prison Service, Review of Hungarian Prison Statistics 1/2015, 5.
Hungarian Prison Service, Review of Hungarian Prison Statistics 1/2019
Juhász Zsuzsanna, „Az elöregedő börtönnépesség problémái,” Börtönügyi Szemle, 2/2012, 13.
Radnay József, “A PPP-projekt előkészítése, szervezeti háttere, a szerződés fő elemei,” Börtönügyi Szemle, 4/2007, 11-22.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, “Handbook on strategies to reduce overcrowding in prisons,” Criminal Justice Handbook Series, New York, 2013, 9.
Legislative acts
Act C of 2012 on the Penal Code
Act CCXL of 2013 on the Enforcement of Penalties, Measures, Certain Coercive Measures and Detention for Misdemeanour (Prison Code/Law Enforcement Code)
CPT/Inf (2014) 13; § 39.
Decree of the Minister of Justice No. 8/2014 on access to healthcare to prisoners in detention facilities
Ministry of Justice Decree No. 16/2014. (XII. 19.) on the detailed rules of execution of imprisonment, confinement, pre-trial detention and confinement replacing payment of disciplinary penalty
Website references
World Prison Brief, Hungary,
Website of the Hungarian Prison Service,
Website of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee,