The New Role of Terrorism Today
Terrorism is a politically motivated violence that has its roots in the teachings and actions of anarchists. Often understood as a weapon of the weak, terrorism is a means of communication through the exploitation of fear that arises as a result of physical violence. Political motive and purpose determine the theoretical notion of terrorism, while in the specific case, the decision on what a terrorist act is is determined by political interest. Political determinism makes terrorism an ideal means of hybrid warfare which is based on the synergy of numerous individual acts that are compatible with each other and serve the same goal. Considering the complexity of hybrid warfare, the ways in which terrorism can be misused for the purpose of hybrid warfare are also different. The paper describes three terrorism misuse models for this purpose.
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Базе података
Global Terrorism Database.
RAND – Database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents.
Правни акти
Arms Export Control Act, Public Law 90–629, (As Amended Through P.L. 115–232, Enacted August 13, 2018).
League of Nations, Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism, United Nations Library, Geneva.
The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, Public Law 87–195; Approved September 4, 1961, (As Amended Through P.L. 115–440, Enacted January 14, 2019).
U.S. Export Amdimistration Act of 1969, December 30, 1969, Public Law 91-184;
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