General Provisions and Judicial Organization According to Code of Civil Procedure of Serbia from 1865

Keywords: Civil proceedings, general provisions, judicial organization, draft, Code from 1865


In the paper authors give legal history analysis of provisions of legislation on civil procedure regarding general rules and judicial organization. Minister of Justice Rajko Lešjanin prepared the draft and consigned it to State Council for approval. Part of draft concerning common provisions and organization of courts was not accepted in its original version, only after certain changes and supplements. Valuable source for aforementioned amendments is archival material stored in the fond of the State Council, in the State Archive of Serbia. In the article special attention was given to unenacted draft consisting of changes and supplements of some code provisions, prepared by then minister of justice Stojan Veljković in 1872. Although above-mentioned draft never came into force, constructive discussion that had developed between the author of the draft, State Councilʼs Commission and district courts served as a base for partial revision of certain provisions of Code of Civil Procedure, among which the most important one is introduction of two-stage decision making in municipal courts (par. 15). Original text of the draft has not been preserved, but in the fond of the Ministry of Justice in The State Archive of Serbia one can find opinions of State Councilʼs Commission and district courts that were used as a key historical source for writing the article.

Author Biography

Milan Milutin, University of Novi Sad Faculty of Law Novi Sad


Milan Milutin was born in Novi Sad in 1989. He graduated from the Novi Sad Faculty of Law in 2012. He earned his Master of Laws degree in 2014, his final thesis having been entitled “The Jurisdictions of Provincial Governors in the Matter of Property Law in Rome”. He defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Mora Debitoris in Roman Classical Law” in 2021 at the Novi Sad Faculty of Law.

Scholarships and Awards: scholarship of the Ministry of Education and Science (2009); scholarship of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Berlin, Germany (2010-2012); on multiple occasions awarded Golden plaque of Provincial Poetry Reciting Competition “Pesniče naroda mog”, participated thrice at the State Poetry Reciting Competition and awarded III prize at the International Oratory Competition “Sirmium – lux verbi” in Sremska Mitrovica in the ex tempore category; awarded First Prize at the State History Competition (2008); University of Novi Sad Award for Exceptional Academic Performance (academic year 2008/09); University of Novi Sad Award for Student Scientific Paper entitled “Constitutional Complaint as an Instrument of Direct Protection of Human Rights Before the Constitutional Court” (2009); Audience Award at the Oratory Competition at the Novi Sad Faculty of Law (2008); First Prize at the Oratory Competition at the Novi Sad Faculty of Law (2010); participation of the Novi Sad Faculty of Law competition team at the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition – national round (2010); participation of the Novi Sad Faculty of Law competition teams at the Foreign Direct Investment Moot Competition (2010 and 2012).

Specialization (within the country and abroad): University of Milan, Faculty of Law as a part of the Sigma Agile Programme (2016).

Work experience: Novi Sad Faculty of Law (2012- ).

Areas of narrow scientific interest: Roman law, civil-law responsibility in Roman law, mora debitoris in Roman law.

He speaks English and Italian, while improving German and Latin.




1. Необјављени извори
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- Државни савет:
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Original Scientific Paper