• Zsuzsanna Juhász University of Szeged, Faculty of Law
Ključne reči: Kljucne reci: video konferencija, sudnica, zatvorsko okruzenje, zatvorenik


Abstraktno: U danasnjim danima primena razlicitih aplikacija za video komunakaciju se sve vise primenjuje na polju kaznenog pravosudja. Technologija video konferencije se moze primenjivati  u takvim pravnim postupcima koji su inace vezane za transport zatvorenika i koje inace zahtevaju ukljucivanje i angazovanje zatvorskog personala. Ova studija pokusava da iznese kratki prikaz primene video konferencije, odnosno delovanje primene video konferencije na zatvorske uslove.


Anett Erzsébet Gácsi, “Büntetőtárgyalás tartása zártcélú távközlő hálózat útján” [Holding a criminal trial via a closed circuit telecommunication network.] Acta Universitatis Szegediensis, Forum: Acta juridica et politica 2/2017, 5–24.
Jane Donoghue, „The Rise of Digital Justice: Courtroom Technology, Public Participation and Access to Justice”, Modern Law Review (80)6 2017, 995.
Jenni Ward, „Transforming ‘Summary Justice’ Through Police-led Prosecution and ‘Virtual Courts’: Is ‘Procedural Due Process’ Being Undermined?”, The British Journal of Criminology (55)2 2015, 354.
Jeremy D. Young, Mahesh Patel, “HIV subspecialty care in correctional facilities using telemedicine,” Journal of Correctional Health Care 21(2) 2015, 179.
Jody Lannen Brady, “Telemedicine behind bars: A cost-effective and secure trend” Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology January/February 2005, 7
Joyce Plotnikoff, Richard Woolfson, „Evaluation of Video Link Pilot Project at Manchester Crown Court. Final Report,” 20 April 2000, 3. (20. December 2020)
Kúria Büntető Kollégium, Joggyakorlat-elemző csoport, „A büntetés-végrehajtási bírói gyakorlat, különös tekintettel a reintegrációs őrizetre. Összefoglaló vélemény” [The summary of the Curia’s opinion regarding the practices of the penitentiary judges with special regards to the reintegrative custody.] 2017, 11. (20. December 2020)
Maria Gualano et al., “Use of telemedicine in the European penitentiaries: Current scenario and best practices”, The European Journal of Public Health 27(1) 2016, 30–35.
Róbert Bogotyán, „Telekommunikációs eszközök alkalmazása a büntetés-végrehajtásban, az igazságszolgáltatás és a jogérvényesítés hatékonyságának növelése céljából” [The application of the telecommunication devices in the penitentiary system with the purpose of increasing the efficiency of justice and law enforcement.] Börtönügyi Szemle 4/2018, 22–23.
Rowden et al., „Sentencing by videolink: up in the air?” Criminal Law Journal (34) 6 2010, 376–377.
Susan Kluss, „Virtual justice: the problems with audiovisual appearances in criminal courts”, Law Society Journal (46)4 2008, 51.
Tamara Walsh, „Video links in youth justice proceedings: when rights and convenience collide”, Journal of Judicial Administration 27(4) 2018, 161, 181.
Violetta Andriolo, “Use of telemedicine in the European penitentiaries: a 2015 survey”, European Journal of Public Health 3/2015, 30.
Yvonne Fowler, „Interpreting into the ether: interpreting for prison/court video link hearings”file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Interpreting_into_the_ether_interpreting_for_priso.pdf, 15. March 2021.

Legislative acts

Act XIX of 1998 on the Hungarian Criminal Procedure
Act XC of 2017 on the Hungarian Criminal Procedure
Act I of 2002 on the amending of Act XIX of 1998 on the Hungarian Criminal Procedure
Penitentiary Regulation/ Rules of Law Enforcement [Ministry of Justice Decree No. 16/2014.
(XII. 19.) on the detailed rules of execution of imprisonment, confinement, pre-trial detention and confinement replacing payment of disciplinary penalty]
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