Integracija antičkog nasleđa u savremeni grad: slučaj Osijeka, Hrvatska
The city of Osijek has experienced many changes in its cityscape throughout history. Osijek has many recognizable features which include an Austro-Hungarian Baroque fortress, the Classicist Upper Town, and the Art Nouveau European Avenue; also, the fact that three more historical layers exist: Roman, medieval and Turkish, is often overlooked. The main reason for this is the fact that the archaeological heritage of those periods is almost invisible. This paper is based on the hypothesis that the integration of ancient heritage can be a valuable asset when designing a modern city. The subject of this paper is the integration of the ancient heritage of Osijek into the modern architecture of the city in the 21st century, with special reference to a site within its protected cultural and historical area, which is part of Roman Mursa. The critical literature analysis illustrates the importance of cultural heritage preservation in the identity of a place, society and humanity. Cultural heritage is recognized as a bearer of identity and a resource of cultural diversity in the conditions of growing standardization, gentrification and (post) globalization.
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