Osnovna namera ovog rada je da se ukaže na prostorno-morfološki potencijal manjih naselja u Vojvodini, radi adaptacije i transformacije po principima održive urbane forme i koncepta „zelenog“ grada. Zbog svojih specifičnih kombinovanih ruralnih i urbanih karakteristika, kako funkcionalnih, tako i urbo-morfoloških, ovim naseljima je u radu dodeljen atribut „rurbana“, ukazujući na značaj ovakve hibridnosti u pogledu njihove ekološke transformacije, ali i njihovog uticaja na održivost čitave mreže naselja u Vojvodni.
Prostorno-morfološki potencijali održivosti „rurbanih“ naselja posmatrani su kroz više prostornih nivoa, a u radu je ispitan njihov značaj na nivoima regionalne mreže naselja, urbane matrice i nivoa kuće i parcele.
Sve pomenuto vršeno je u cilju analize i primene teorijskih koncepata održive urbane forme za više prostornih nivoa posmatranja, sa akcentom na regionalnom i lokalnom.
Ključne reči: prostorno-morfološki potencijali, održive urbane forme, koncept zelenog grada, manja naselja u Vojvodini.
The main idea of this paper is to highlight the spatial and morphological potential of smaller settlements in Vojvodina, for their adaptation and transformation according to the principles of sustainable urban form and the concept of "green" city. Because of its specific combination of rural and urban characteristics, both functional and morphological, the attribute "rurban" is assigned to these settlements in the paper, stressing the importance of this hybridity in terms of their ecological transformation, but also their impact on the sustainability of the entire network of settlements in Vojvodina. Spatially-morphological resources sustainability "rurban" settlements were observed in several spatial levels, and their importance at the level of a regional network of settlements is examined, as well as urban matrix and the level of the building plot. All of that was done in order to analyze and apply theoretical concepts of sustainable urban form for multiple spatial level, with emphasis on regional and local.
Key words: spatial and morphological resources, sustainable urban form, the concept of green city, smaller settlements in Vojvodina.