Rhymes in the development of rhythmic and speaking skills of preschool and early school age

  • Ozrenka Bjelobrk Babic Ozrenka Bjelobrk Babić, MA, senior assistant University of Banja Luka Faculty of Philosophy
Keywords: speaking skills, rhythmic skills, development, rhymes,


The paper discusses the concept, definition and classification of nursery rhymes, and how they are processed. Rhymes are "short children's songs that serve to counting children at play, which at the same time can be very suitable for developing a sense of rhythm" (Pedagogical Lexicon, 1996, p. 56). There are several types of nursery rhymes and their classification according to different criteria. They can be classified according to form and content, as well as whether their authors are children or adults. The criterion of understanding classifies them into rhymes rational sense, irrational - meaningless, and rhymes with a partial sense (see examples of rhymes at Milenkovic and Dragojevic, 2009). According to an embodiment - the musical component rhymes are classified in the speaking which develops a sense of rhythm and sung, whose melodic movement of the highest in the fourth volume. Treatment begins with teaching nursery rhymes by ear, then the symbols represents the rhythm of nursery rhymes (phases with the adoption rhymes see at: Milenkovic and Dragojevic, 2009). In addition to this term in the literature can be found other names for the same name forms: counting, beads, classifying. There are many advantages that rhymes processing brings: the development of speech and speech creativity, encourage foreign language learning, developing communication skills, emotional and social maturation, encouraging cultural 'awareness, developing ethical and moral values, exploring the contents of nature and society. In selecting the nursery rhymes, it is necessary to pay attention to mental and physical development of children and to adjust the selected rhymes to their age. The paper presents the characteristics of rhythmic development and speaking skills of preschool and early school age. To this end are designed examples rhythmic rhymes and pointed to the need for interdisciplinary nature of the teaching subjects, and the correlation of teaching Serbian language, the Music Education / Music Culture and Physical Education. It is emphasized the role of educators / teachers, as well as the need for quality training of students in the study programs for the education of educators and teachers for the organization and implementation of focused activities that will develop the mentioned abilities in children.

Author Biography

Ozrenka Bjelobrk Babic, Ozrenka Bjelobrk Babić, MA, senior assistant University of Banja Luka Faculty of Philosophy
Studijski program učiteljskog studija, viši asistent, oblast Umjetničko-teorijske discipline


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Professional Paper