The subejct and the goal of this paper is the research of the origin of vibrato and explanation of the experiment carried out at the Faculty of Arts in Niš. The hystorical review of the origin of vibrato and its using in various musical epochs till the present times, primarily as an ornament and then as a continuous vibrato, is given in the first part of this paper. The phenomenon of the continuous vibrato appeared gradually in the period from the end of the 19th century till the beginning of the 20th century. Various definitions of vibrato and its parameters that are characteristic for it are also given, for instance, intonation, vibrato rate and vibrato extend. The second part of this paper presents an experiment carried out at the Faculty of Arts in Nis in which students and professors participated. The aim was testing of vibrato by the objective and subjective methods. A comparative analysis of the results was also carried out. The detailed analysis has shown that these estimations were well coordinated. Thus the possibility has been opened up for using an objective estimation in education and testing the instrumentalists.
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